On Monday, Nov. 01, 2004 @ 12:25 AM


WOW! What a week last week was. I was on the constant go, and when I wasn�t going, I was trying my best to sleep.

As most of you now know, last week I went through new provider training for Family Child Care Providers here on the base. Now, caring for children in you home on a military base is nothing like caring for them in the real world. First, in the real world, if you are not licensed, then you are okay as long as you don�t go over the limit. In the military world, if you are not licensed then you are in trouble no matter how many kids you got. And in the real world, you don�t have to follow many rules and regulations, but in the military world, there is a while slew of rules and regs you must follow. SO, with that being said, I had a long week of learning things, some of which I already knew, and then getting trained on how I must run my �in home� daycare. I am actually getting overly excited about it. I really can�t wait to start! But it will be at least another month till I do so!

So, with all that going on, there was really not much else going on in my life since I last updated. Other than the fact that I made some new friends. And I am glad to know that there are other mothers out there like me that smoke, drink, and have the occasional fun! Most of the mothers I have met here in Idaho on this sucky ass military base are stuck up and are perfect or so it seems they are perfect. I finally met some moms that are not like that. Thank goodness!

On another note, today is Halloween! I love Halloween. I made a great dinner tonight and then some fresh cookies with Halloween stuff on them. Last night was the official �Trick or Treat� night on base, so we took Kailee out with some friends of mine to go trick or treating. It was fun. The kids had a blast too! Kailee really got the idea of trick or treating this year, so I really enjoyed watching her go around getting her candy. It was great fun!

Well, other than those couple of things, there is nothing at all going on. I am just starting to get ready for my child care thing! So, that�s all for now folks!

ONE FINAL NOTE! TUESDAY is election Day! Please people get out there and vote! Please do it for you and your country, it is the only time ever that we the people actually have a say! GO VOTE!

"You have been brainwashed into thinking that your vote doesn't count. Well it's a lie, it does count, and if you don't go voice your opinion someone else will! Speak for yourself!"

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