Bored and Dull and Excited and Can not Sleep

On Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2004 @ 4:16 AM

Wow, I am so excited! My mom will be here tomorrow (tomorrow for me b/c I haven�t gone to bed yet) or today whichever! But I am really excited! I can�t wait to see her it�s been five months since I�ve seen her! It will be great! I know she has a lot planned for us while she�s here, and I do too, so I�m sure I�ll be extremely busy over the next week.

Well, I usually don�t do this sort of thing, but I�m totally bored out of my mind and I can�t sleep because I�m so excited about my Mom coming. So in order to keep busy, I�m gonna be playing some Pogo games and I�m gonna keep a timed entry. This should be fun�The time now is 1:45 AM (Mountain Time by the way) Also, for my Psychology class this week, I have to keep a timed mood journal, so this should help with that thingy thing!

1:46 AM So bored, gonna play this new game on Pogo called Jigsaw Detective. Apparently the point of the game is to solve puzzles in order to get clues to solve these mysteries. Cheesy story line but the puzzles should be fun�

2:15 AM Going out to smoke�

2:21 AM Back from smoking� forgot that I didn�t tell this really funny story about when the hubby and I went to the BX at the crack of dawn to go shopping, so here is that story�

I need to update my story about being up all night and going to the BX at 5:00 AM the other morning (Saturday). To recap that entry, in short, the hubby and I stayed up all night so that we could be at the BX (Base Exchange) when they opened to get in line for the free $20.00 gift cards and shop the good sales. So that all went well, we stayed up, and when the time came we got Kailee ready and left. We got there at 4:00 AM to ensure a spot in line for the gift card because we had to be one of the first 100 customers. Anyway, all was well. I was the first person in line and the hubby stayed about three people behind me. Well, we�re all standing there waiting and I�m making conversation with people I don�t know and bla bla bla. When at 20 minutes till 5:00 AM when the store was to open, Kailee pees in her pants. Poor baby was so freaking tired and grouchy, and she thought she was still wearing a pull up. She was sitting in a cart, and so the pee leaked down on the floor. It looked like she peed a gallon. I was so embarrassed. The girls that were in line beside me made me feel awful too, they just kept staring. Obliviously they didn�t have any kids or they would understand. So, the hubby told me to rush home because we literally live 500 yards from the store, and told me that I would just have to lose my spot in line. I was so pissed. I mean it wasn�t Kailee�s fault, poor baby, but still, I stayed up all damned night just to get that gift card and shop the good sales. Well, I rushed to the house grabbed Kailee and ran inside cleaned her up and changed her real quick and put a Pull Up on her incase of future accidents, then rushed back to the BX to find that it only took me 2 minutes to do all that. Seriously, either we live that close, or I am just that good! HA! So, I jumped in line with the hubby and when the doors opened he fell about two people behind me so that we both got the gift certificate. It worked very smoothly even after my crisis with Kailee. We were so freaking tired though. By the time we came out of the BX it was snowing like crazy and so we came home and made Cinnamon rolls and watched Kailee�s new movie, �Mickey�s Twice Upon a Christmas�, then we all curled in bed together and fell asleep. It was so fun to do that family thing together. We had a great time. Okay, going out for another smoke!

2: 45 AM Pogo is saying that they are shutting down the server for my game in a sec, so DAMN! I�ll have to find something else to play. I was thinking while ago, I want to decorate outside for Christmas. I have already bought 2 boxes of Icecicle lights but I don�t have a clue how to hang them. Anyone got any pointers?

2:58 AM Well, still playing this game. But the server is definitely shutting down in a minute. Finding a new game.

3:18 AM Going out for another smoke break! YAY! And I need more tea.

3:31 AM Back from smoke break, and I�m cooking some rice, b/c I didn�t really eat dinner and now I�m starving!

3:39 AM YAY! I found a Christmas Music station on Yahoo Launchcast that is really good, and better than MSN�s because it doesn�t tune in and out all the damned time! Yay for me! (I know, this is sad and pathetic)

4:04 AM Finished eating my rice and it was yummy. Gonna go have another smoke break. Plus, now I�m shopping online, found a really cool site I am going to recommend at the top of my entry.

4:12 AM Back from my smoke break and I just realized that that I�m getting tired so I am going to close out this entry. It�s been fun fooling around with this, and since I have to keep a mood journal this week for Psychology class, I may do this all this week. I will offer my apologies ahead of time! Anywho, goodnight/morning to all!

Oh, and my Mom will be getting on her plane in just 3 hours! YAY! But she doesn�t arrive in Boise till 6:00 PM! But still, she�ll be on her way very soon. (She�s also gonna be mad at me for staying up so late, as will the husband! Oh well!)

Official Countdown till Mom arrives: 13 Hours 44 Minutes and 18 Seconds!

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