Picking up Mom and Lots of Snow

On Thursday, Dec. 02, 2004 @ 12:00 AM

Well I honestly don�t know how I have the energy or the strength to type this entry. As everyone knows that reads my journal, my Mom arrived from Tennessee last night. (For those of you that are new, I live in Idaho, hubby is Military, and I am from Tennessee and see my family very rarely.) Anyway, her plane was on time thank goodness, and it was great to see her walking out of the security checkpoint doors. I must tell the story of my yesterday because it was craziness but normal all in the same and I just feel like telling it.

After my last entry of sitting online not being able to sleep and writing a timed entry, I finally passed out around 5:00 AM. I got up with the hubby at Noon and to my surprise Kailee was still asleep. (She wouldn�t go to sleep either, she stayed up till like 1:00 AM) So, after taking the hubby to work, I came home with only 4 hours to complete all my chores and tasks that I wanted to do before I picked up my Mom. So I started with the hardest task of all, putting Christmas lights up outside on the house. Two weeks ago the hubby and I picked out 2 boxes of Icecicle lights from Lowe�s to hang outside. He was going to help me but he got sick last week, and so the task was left up to me. After starting the laundry and the dishwasher I headed out in the 20 degree temperature weather (no exaggeration either) to hang these lights. To my surprise and delight it wasn�t as hard as I would have though. I just hung the hooks first on the siding, and then hung the lights. No big deal, next I tried to unravel four strands of multicolored lights for the two sad trees we have but I gave up on that. The worst part of it all was that it started to snow while I was hanging the lights. And I don�t mean flurries or just spitting snow, it was really freaking snowing. I started freaking out. I live about 60 miles from Boise (the capital of Idaho and where the only airport is) and it takes an hour of drive time under normal conditions. So the snow really freaked me out. I rushed to get ready and complete all my tasks before the snow piled up to prepare myself for the worst drive of my life. To my surprise and delight again, the snow slowed down and eventually stopped so I decided to not leave early as I had planned. Because I rushed, I was ready to leave too freaking early so I had to wait for like thirty minutes. That was the longest thirty minutes of my life. (I am really close to my mom, and I don�t see her but twice a year if that now, so I was really freaking excited) Finally I left early anyway. There was no snow at all, and everything was clear. My mom�s flight was on time, and when Kailee saw her walking through the security area, she started jumping up and down like something crazy and my mom dropped all her packages and grabbed her up. It was great. The best joy in my life comes from seeing Kailee so happy, and my mother too of course. After grabbing three suitcases of luggage that were all filled with presents we left to grab some dinner. My mom was starving so we went to a sit down restaurant for a nice dinner where it was warm and not 18 degrees outside. While eating, it started to SNOW - AGAIN! DAMN! This time it was falling hard, and we got 2 inches in like thirty minutes. I was freaking out again. I come from a fairly warm state where we don�t get much snow, and so I don�t have the best experience driving in the snow. My mom kept saying it�s fine, don�t worry, it�ll be okay. So, we left and the roads were covered. The drive home was horrible. People were driving like the snow didn�t exist speeding by me and it was freaking me out. I finally had to stop so I could calm down. I never drove in such conditions. I had to make a 60 mile trip only going 40 miles an hour tops. Oh it was awful. By the time we got home, I had smoked like 10 cigarettes. (not really)

So after some much needed rest last night, Mom and I headed out to go shopping and what not. That was an adventure too but a story for another day. I�m exhausted and need sleep, and I have a migraine. But, I have to say I am so glad my Mom is here. I hope we have a great time. But the time is already flying by and I just know that my week with her will be gone before I know it. I�m trying to have a great time and not think about that, but it�s hard when I know that in less than a week I�ll have to say goodbye to her again. But, I MUST enjoy my time with her because I don�t know when I�ll see her again.

Now, I must get some much needed sleep and I will try to write a better entry next time! HA!

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