Icky Critters

On Wednesday, Feb. 02, 2005 @ 4:03 PM

I can�t get onto D-land and post an entry, so I�ll just write it here until I can get through.

I think the icky nastiness that attacked us last week decided that it hadn�t kicked my ass enough. Late last night my freaking stomach was so upset and then this morning I woke up puking. It�s nasty. I slept in some and I awoke this afternoon feeling much better. But now over half my day is gone. Oh freaking well.

My good friend Randi�s husband is leaving for somewhere that I can�t say right now. He will be gone for a month. Poor Randi is so upset. I feel awful for her. She was puking and stuff today she told me. She called just to ask me if she could come over tonight after we drop him off at the location where he�ll be leaving from. She sounded so sad I wanted to cry. But anyhow, I told her of course she could come over. I am glad that my hubby is NOT headed over to where he is headed. It would suck. My hubby actually helps me out a lot around here, and with all that is going on right now, I really need him around. Thank goodness for small miracles. So anyway, everyone say a little prayer for Randi and her hubby. He won�t be on the front lines fighting or anything, but it�s not exactly the best place to be right now if you know what I mean.

In other news, I talked to my Child Care Director today FINALLY. I left her a pretty not so nice message because she never seems to answer the phone. I told her that I was getting a little upset because I�ve been ready to open for months now. The girls that I went through training with have been open for almost three months and I�m ready and NEEDING to open ASAP. She returned that phone call almost immediately. She said there was something wrong with my insurance paperwork. I told her that is because I switched insurance companies because the company I was with was shady. But she should have called me TWO weeks ago when the problem arose. She DID NOT call. She was thinking I�d just somehow have this ability to read her mind and know that the paperwork was wrong. Whatever. Point is I�ll be getting my license tomorrow. YAY!

I just ventured out into the garage to attempt my first cigarette in a week and right in front of me something ran across the floor. FREAKED ME OUT! Now I�m scared to walk out there and I�ll just have to smoke outside on the front porch and freeze my ass off! HA! Little critters living in my garage is not a good thing, they could venture into my house. Ick!

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