The story of what did not happen

On Tuesday, Feb. 01, 2005 @ 11:45 PM

It's about time I got through. I've been trying to add an entry for the last forty five minutes. Oh well no biggie, I had time to read friend's journals while I waited.

Boy just when you think life is getting back on track after a crazy holiday season, a nightmare New Year, and a very stresfull kick off to 2005, it throws you a huge curveball. And even the best moms/wives in the world like myself can't seem to catch it.

Last week started out as a normal week pretty much. The base was holding an exercise which put my hubby on 12 hour shifts, and I was supposed to open my daycare to those parents that needed extra childcare for this exercise. Well, that did NOT happen. I was also supposed to hold 11 appointments for facials and Mary Kay consultations since I recieved my started kit last week and offically opened my MK business to everyone I know. I had also planned to catch up all late school work and be on the road to completing everything this week. None of this happened. What did happen last Wednesday morning was the husband came down very very ill with the Flu, a virul infection and pneumonia. I planned to stay far away from him. I quarrentined him to the bedroom and slept on the couch Wednesday night. This did NOT work. Thrusday morning, a mere 24 hours after he was released from the ER, I found myself in the ER with a 104 degree temp. It was awful. I don't remember feeling this bad, almost ever. So, the husband and I took shifts sleeping and caring for little Kailee, who I must give props to for being the absolute BEST 3 year old in a crisis. I was so unable to cook for her, clean up after her, and all the other things that come with being a mommie. However, I didn't have to. I swear kids have a mind thing going on with us. They KNOW when we just can't do our jobs at 100% so they step up and help out. Kailee did so well getting up every morning and dressing herself, (granted the clothes didn't match) she would come get me and ask for something to eat, I'd feed her, and lay in bed and attempt to do things with her from across the room. The husband and I took turns doing this up until about yesterday morning. I finally woke up feeling a little bit better, so I didn't lay in bed all day, I laid on the couch. Today I was feeling so well I actually fixed my hair and my makeup, but then I wanted to take a nap. So I 'm doing much better, just not up to par yet. I have gotten most of my house cleaned up but I still have more rooms to disinfect and what not. I hope that tomorrow I will feel much better. After my doctor's visit yesterday, he said I should be doing much better by tomorrow. The husband on the other hand isn't having such a good recovery. He's still hacking up nastiness, and not feeling well at all. He's still out of work too. The doctor's told him that if he wasn't better by tomorrow, they are admitting him. I hope he'll be okay. Poor thing.

Well, my Mary Kay appointments will be held next weekend providing I'm feeling alright and Kailee doesn't get sick. My school work is coming along slowly. I'm frantically working my fingers to the bone and my brain so hard in order to get all caught up by the week's end. As far as my daycare, well I'm extremly pissed about this. I was supposed to have my license last week, and I have yet to get it. I have called four times in the last week, and gotten no response from the lady. I'm gonna end up losing my damn nerve over this shit. It's going on four months that I've been ready to open, it's time I got my shit so I can make some money!

Anyway, I'd like to close with a's about mothers. I absolutely love my mother, and as Valentine's Day comes closer, I am starting to miss her. It's because every year my mom does this nice thing for me on Valentine's Day. She always figures out something to get me and gives me all kinds of yummy treats and fun goodies. I'm missing her bunches, but I know I'll see her soon. So anyway, here's the quote, I read this in a book just now and I absolutely loved it, enjoy..
"There never was a woman like her. She was gentle as a dove and brave as a lioness...The memory of my mother and her teachings were, after all, the only capital I had to start life with, and on that capital I have made my way."
--Andrew Jackson

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