My Gawd I need Sleep Bad

On Wednesday, Mar. 09, 2005 @ 11:15 PM

Quote of the Day: �My idea of an agreeable person is a person who agrees with me.�
--Benjamin Disraeli

Sorry, I just don�t feel like posting a picture today.


Alright, I�m exhausted. Absolutely DONE! I must start getting into bed before 10:00 PM everynight. That is pushing it because I don�t even get into bed till like midnight at the earliest. I need help. It�s an addiction that keeps me up so late. One, the Internet and D-land, and Pogo games. They sucked me into some weird thing, and I just can�t walk by my computer and keep on going, I look at it and say to myself I need to just go on to bed, but what happens is I look at it one more time and say to myself, okay just a few minutes and I�ll add a real quick entry and that�s it. Does it ever happen this way? NOPE. I get on here, people start IMing me, but I love that, so I don�t care, then I get to chatting with about five people at once, then I wanna read all my buddy list�s diaries, then I wanna search for some music, then I wanna update my journal, then I wanna play some Pogo, but I know I have some homework to do, so I�ll work on that for about 30 minutes then play Pogo while chatting with five more people, and the list goes on�.

Funny thing, last night I actually reached the end of the Internet. I�m not kidding, Art sent me this link when we were IMing last night and it was just one page, and it literally claimed to be the END of the Internet. This page was the last link and whatever from all servers in the world or something. Can�t find the link anymore, so sorry I can�t put it here for you to see for yourself, but it was almost weird and scary and a little creepy. Hmm.

So, there is a new food out there that I am totally addicted to. First of all I�ve been on a diet and doing really well with it, also I am totally trying to get to the gym on a daily basis, and if I ever find a minute for myself in the day, I will, I swear. But the diet part is working at least. So, anyway, this new food, well it�s sort of new, I bought for my daughter. They are Twisted Cheetos. Kailee loves them, and I just tried one, and they taste better to me than the actual real Cheetos. So, I don�t know why I just wasted time on writing a whole paragraph about Cheetos, but I guess I really like them, and I�m completely exhausted and that makes me start feeling loopy and drunk and high.

Kailee woke up this morning complaining of stomach pains. This bothers me because of her stomach problems, click HERE for the info on that situation. And all night she kept waking up whining, at first I thought, bad dreams, but I one time she said her stomach was killing her. Her actual words were �my stomach is KILLING ME Momma.� I gave her a drink of Sprite. It�s old and flat and has been sitting in the back of my fridge since forever because we banned Soft Drinks in our house. Well, that seemed to settle her so I gave her some Tylenol and we went back to bed. Well, at 6:00 AM, she awoke, and this was very strange for her. She usually isn�t awake till like 9:00. But she woke up and I got her up and ready for the day, and brought her to the living room to watch T.V. She started squirming around and whining again, and then she puked everywhere. Thankfully all on her blankie, but shit, throw up just urks me. I can deal with blood, spit, snot, even shitty diapers, but not throw up. The chunks and the smells just gag me, okay enough I know. But anyway, I cleaned her up, gave her WATER to drink, and told her to lay back down. She almost immediately passed out. I checked her for a fever, and she was fine. So, I figured the rules for Chidcare are that if they aren�t running a fever, I don�t have to send my kids home. Plus, the only kid I had this morning was a baby. So, I thought I�d just keep them separated, and see how Kailee got. Well, Kailee slept for like 3 hours and so did the baby. I got some housework and stuff done, that was nice. But when Kailee awoke she acted like nothing happened. She was a little stuffy in the nose, but other than that she was fine. She was bouncing off the walls when my 3 year old and 2 year old got here. And she was fine all day except sneezes and stuffiness. So, she�s passed out now of course, but damn, how weird. I�m worried about her tummy, and so next week I�m taking her to the doctor. I want be assured it�s not her appendix acting up again. Damn doctors, why couldn�t they have assured me earlier about that shit.

Well, it�s really late, I need a smoke, and my bed. I LEAVE FOR SALT LAKE CITY FRIDAY MORNING! Whooo hooo! Art I�ll be in your neighborhood almost literally! I�m going down there for a Mary Kay Career Conference. And I couldn�t be more excited about it! I�m looking forward to this trip a lot because I can get some sleep on the way there! HA! Sad huh, looking forward to a Business Trip just to get some sleep. Oh my.

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