Just Tuesday not anything special

On Tuesday, Mar. 08, 2005 @ 1:19 PM

Quote of the Day: �Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.�
--Don Marquis

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Well, Tuesday, yea, big deal. Umm, let�s see, what�s so important about Tuesday? Well, it�s the day that I have to remember to set my trash out before I go to bed otherwise they won�t get it on Wednesday morning. Today, this Tuesday, I have FOUR children in my daycare. And oh yea, TODAY I was supposed to hear back from the Flight Chief about what happened the other night. And I have not heard from them yet. So I dunno. My husband says it could be a few days. But I thought they had told me they would let us know something by today. And, my husband said they would personally be calling me. So eeeh, whatever happens, just happens. But damnit, I want them punished.

Well, I am the worst procrastinator so I thought today�s quote was fitting. Because of the fact that I procrastinate so badly, I have a huge mountain of clothes sitting on my dryer to be folded. But by the end of the day, all I wanna do is eat dinner and go to sleep. I hate having to wait till my kids leave to do some housework. If I could get those things done while they are here, it wouldn�t be so bad. But here�s what is bugging me�

I work all day taking care of four children, then when they finally go home, I have to do my daily cleaning and safety checks, then I have to do all my daily paperwork, then I have to take care of my Mary Kay stuff, and somewhere in the middle of all of it I have to cook and eat dinner and try to spend time with my family. But the sucky thing is that I�m so exhausted by 5:00 PM when my last child is picked up that I don�t feel like doing any of that shit. So, this is why my clothes have been put off since forever and I have a huge mountain of clothes to do. And oh yea, I forgot college. I�m still in school. Duh. So, somewhere in the week I�m to find some hours to study and write all my assignments. Ugh, I�m gonna have to quite something. Either childcare or Mary Kay. And I don�t wanna quite Mary Kay because I love doing it. But I don�t wanna quite Childcare either because I don�t mind it and it�s good money. So damnit, whatever will I do. Who knows. But I do know one thing, the Flight Chief better freaking call me soon and let me know what the hell is going on!

Finally, I am too excited. I must share some awesome news! My mother called me Saturday morning to inform me that she bought us both PIT PASSES to the 3 Doors Down concert coming in Nashville in May! I�m so excited. I just didn�t seem that way Saturday morning because of the drama that happened Friday night. But now I�m excited! OOOH, I just can�t wait till I go home. Not too far off now�um, I�ll look at my counter and see how many days. I have forgotten to keep up with it! HA! But that�s all for today, have a good one folks!

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