Where is my relaxation

On Saturday, Apr. 02, 2005 @ 11:50 PM

Picture of the Day

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I feel so bad for this poor baby, but you have to admit that it's a funny picture!

Quote of the Day

"I used to wake up at 4 A.M. and start sneezing, sometimes for five hours. I tried to find out what sort of allergy I had but finally came to the conclusion that it must be an allergy to consciousness."
James Thurber (1894 - 1961)


Yay, it's Saturday, but wait no, it hasn't been the Saturday I had hoped for. I should have known.

My plans for today were simple. Playing off my nice relaxation plans for last night, I decided today I would take a trip to Boise for some things I needed and wanted BY MYSELF. I decided to invite Randi because she can be good company and she knows her way around Boise and I really do NOT! But the goal was to be free of my child for a while. Did this happen? Umm, nope.

The husband and I agreed that I'd go to Boise alone then later tonight he could go out and do whatever. My plan was to leave for Boise around Noon. Didn't happen. First I start running late because I decide to spend a little bit of time with my husband. Then people start calling. What happened was one of my husband's friends called to see if he wanted to go to Boise with him. My husband says no sadly because he has to stay with Kailee today. So, the friend calls Randi's husband and they decide to go together. But then my husband is left home and left out. So I felt bad, after a while of contemplating back and forth, I decide to take Kailee with me because I felt bad. Totally my decision, but there goes my break from Kailee. I love her and all, but sometimes you just gotta have a break. So I take her with me, shopping. Big mistake.

Kailee is totally going through this stage where she just IGNORES ME! Flat out totally will NOT listen to a damn word I say. The biggest thing that bothers me so much is that she runs away from me in public. It's hard to constantly hold her hand and shop or do things at the same time. And she's too big for the stroller. So that's hard too. So, I want to let her be a big girl and walk, but she runs away and that annoys the hell outta me not to mention it gives me those panic attacks and nightmares like we talked about. So what is a mother to do? Threaten her with an inch of her life, but that doesn't work either. But then I try to be nice about it, and that doesn't work either.SO UGH!! WTF? It was so bad. Finally though this evening we met up with my husband and his friend and we all went to a really nice dinner. It was at this aweomse Itailian resturant that has now become my favorite place in Boise to eat. It's authentic too! None of this thrown together crap. OMG! It was so freaking good. My favorite drink in the world now is an Itailian Creme Soda. SO GOOD!

So while I did get everything I set out to get today, (business record keeping books at Office Depot, which I spent an hour and a half at because it was so much fun there!, and some new jeans, couple new shirts, and some organic food from the Boise Co-op) it was still a stressful day. Between this morning with my husband bickering back and forth about who was stuck with Kailee, then Kailee acting so totally crazy all day, then Randi was constantly calling her husband to see if he would meet us (Seriously, can't you just spend a few hours apart?), and the guys were getting mad at me because they thought I was harassing them, but it was actually her and they just wanted to do thier thing, and so did I, however she was constantly calling them wanting to meet up with them, and seriously I was getting pissed!, and then the tedious hour drive it takes to get there and then another hour back, it just wasn't the relaxful day I had hoped for. But then again, does anything really ever go the way I want it to? NOPE. But at least I got my new jeans, my books, and my software for my computer!

So I develped one of those migraines that I tend to get. So while everyone else went to the movies, I drove home. I just couldn't handle the pain. And theaters give me migraines even when I don't have one to begin with, so now I'm alone. So, I'm gonna continue with my nice relaxing weekend now that Kailee is in bed. I'm about to get in my pajamas and crawl in the couch and watch "I HEART HUCKABEES". I love those kinds of movies, so I'm looking forward to it. But I'm so tired I'm about to pass out so I may just go to sleep. UGH, what to do? Oh, I know, a nice relaxing bath, and bed! That sounds the best. And I swear if anyone wakes me up, I'll have thier ass on a plate!

Okay, so goodnight everyone.

Now for the news of the day:

VATICAN CITY (CNN) -- Rome is a city in mourning Sunday after the death of Pope John Paul II, as people begin to gather early in St. Peter's Square for a mid-morning Catholic Mass in his memory.

The charismatic 84-year-old pontiff, who led the world's 1 billion Catholics for 26 years, died at 9:37 p.m. Saturday evening (7.37 p.m. GMT, 2:37 p.m. ET) in his private apartment.

This is so sad. I am not Catholic, however I admire this man a lot. He was trully a wonderful man that did lots for not only the Catholic people but many around the world. And this hits hard with the Catholic religion. So please everyone, keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

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