It was a Zoo and APRIL FOOLS

On Friday, Apr. 01, 2005 @ 3:18 PM

Oh my dear Lord. I feel so bad�all of you great diaryland readers, and especially my wonderful Mother, I have to tell you something...


I am so sorry. We did NOT get orders to Italy! This was actually just a joke on my Mom. I knew she�d read my journal and believe it! She fell for it, the thought did cross her mind that I was playing a joke, but she wasn�t sure, and she called me this morning very irate because I didn�t tell her first before posting an entry with the news. It was actually really funny, but I made her sad all night! I didn�t think she�d see my site until today, but she read it last night, and said she couldn�t sleep! I felt awful, but all is well now, and I�m sure she�s gonna get me back hard! Anyway, I am SO SORRY YOU GUYS! Especially to those that wished me good luck over there and all. I feel just awful! But haha, I got my Mom good!!! HEHE


Well, today was our Family Childcare field trip to the Zoo! Yep, all us childcare providers here on base took all our children to the Boise Zoo and boy was it a ZOO! First, I wasn�t near ready this morning. I fell behind because a parent decided to stick around and chit chat with me for like ever. It�s nice that the parents like to talk, but not today. I was obviously busy. Then I was supposed to be ready at 8:45 and I was no where near ready. I hadn�t even packed our lunches. Thank God for my good Childcare friend Stacy who helped me rally up the children. Whew! We did make it though, and turned out I wasn�t the last of all the parents and providers to be late. So not too bad. But I felt awful because I seemed like a scattered brain idiot rushing around my house this morning. I must have looked so unprepared to Stacey, but the truth was I was just running late. Oh well, I can�t be perfect. But Stacy and I took shifts having our last cigarette before our crazy day with these children. Thank God for her, because she is a lot like me and I don�t know what I would do if I didn�t have someone to relate too.

So, on the way to the Zoo was when my Mother called me and we talked about the whole April Fool�s Joke all the way there. She actually called my family and told them about everything! I got a lot of folks good! (Please people laugh, I did not intend for this to be a mean joke, it was supposed to be funny!) So when we arrived it wasn�t so bad. But the further in the Zoo we got, the more crazy my child would act! It was nuts. She was driving me up the wall. She would run really far away from me, and you guys know how I am about that. I was freaking out to the point where my head got all dizzy and I couldn�t see for a second. Not to mention all the other childcare providers were there, and there was nothing I could do about her behavior. She knows this too. When we�re out in public she knows that I can�t just snatch her up and spank her. (Yes, I�m one of those Moms that spank) Anyway, so I just kept yelling for her to come back and walk with the rest of the group, and sometimes she would flat out ignore me! Just IGNORE ME! It was the worst I had seen her act. She was showing her ass good. So needless to say it wasn�t much fun for me. It was neat to see her reaction to the animals, especially the monkeys! I LOVE Monkeys and now Kailee does too! The Monkeys were definitely her favorite part! It would have been nice if she wouldn�t have been so crazy. She just kept running away from me, and that just kept making me freak out like I do. Next time, I will definitely take that harness thing that has a strap that I can hold onto. Yes it�s like a leash, but if it keeps her from running away from me, then so be it!

So after the Zoo we had our nice little picnic and then we all packed up and headed home. The other kids I have were great! But Kailee was just impossible to deal with. After getting on the interstate to head back to Mt. Home, Stacy and I pull over and smoke in shifts again! That was so freaking funny!

So now we�re back home, the kids are laying down watching T.V. while resting. I thought I�d check the joke and see what everyone had to say about it. I�m so sorry people, I hope you�re not mad at me. So, I�m looking forward to when these kids leave and I can take a nice relaxing bath, curl up on the couch and watch a pay-per-view movie that I�m ordering tonight. I�m gonna watch The Notebook. I hear it�s really good. The husband will be at work, so I�ll have it all to myself tonight! YAY! Hope everyone has a great weekend! TOODLES!

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