The Grass is Always Greener

On Tuesday, Apr. 05, 2005 @ 11:21 AM

Picture of the Day

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Quote of the Day:

"Nothing inspires forgiveness quite like revenge."
Scott Adams (1957 - )


Okay, so after about a 24 hour round with the stomach flu, do you think I will finally stop getting sick? Ummm, not sure at this point.

The firs thing that was wrong was around the end of Janurary, my husband and I came down with pneumonia and the flu. Then in February I had something going on, I remember being sick, but neither me nor my husband can remember what I had. Then there was the horrid viral infection I had for over two weeks in March, which I just finally got over! And then yesterday morning. THe sickness of all sickness hits. I can stand the flu, I can stand the body aches, I can stand the fevers, I can stand the coughing, I can even stand the sore throat and the migraines, but I can NOT absolutely NOT handle the freaking stomach flu. I can not handle throwing up. It just takes so much out of me. Ever since the first time I had it when I was like 9 I have never been able to handle the stomach flu. And yesterday was no exception. So, if this nastiness wouldn't mind, please stay outta my body. I say to the germs that keep infecting me, please go away and NEVER return.

So, on another note, there's a little bit I need to get off my chest. First is the fact that the parents of my children are starting to drive me nuts!I mean how could you be so irresponsible as a parent? When you're supposed to pay for childcare, PAY IT! When you are supposed to pick up, PICK UP! Yesterday, as I already stated, I was very sick, and I needed more than anything for this one parent to pick up on time, and the kid's dad was 45 minutes late! 45 minutes! That's rediculous. I should be charing the $1.00 late fee per minute, but I told the parents I'd give them a week to get used to the policy. But that starts on Thursday, so I just hope, HOPE they start picking up late after that, I'll be making lots more money! So anyway that is one thing.

The other thing is Friday morning I woke up and my chest was all broke out. I thought it might be an allergic reaction to somthing, but I realized that it MUST be stress. What am I stressing about that has me broke out? Well nothing life threatening, but just a few things...

1. Childcare - of course it never stops, especially when I have parents that won't pay me on time or pick thier child up on time.

2. Mary Kay stuff - Last week was the end of the month and the end of a quarter, so I was working really hard to get stuff in for all that and make money and what not. Not bad stress, but some stress anyway.

3. My so called Friends - yea, I'm talking about Randi and her husband that mooch off of us, and only call us when they need something. Even though they paid us back, they still only call us when they need us. Whatever. Assholes.

4. My husband and the car situation - we only have one car, and I need it for this and that and so does the husband. I understand where he's coming from but I never really get out to do the things I need to do, so I was a little stressed about it this past weekend.

5. We're leaving to go home in less than a month - This is a huge trip for us. We'll be driving across the country, 2000 miles, and we're supposed to leave April 30th. My husband is pressuring me to let him plan this trip for June, and I just don't want to do that. But as of now we're still leaving in a few weeks. I haven't found childcare for my daycare children, and to be honest, I just don't care really! How bad is that, but when your parents are assholes that won't pay you or pick up on time, then wonder why you wouldn't care. Can you blame me? So I'm stressing about our trip home because I have started preparing in the slightest way.

There are many other things that stress me out. However I try not to think about them. Money is one thing and the bills are another. And then once I settle down from one thing, another thing will start up again. And if it's not one thing it's another. I've just come to realize something too...the grass is always greener, and here's why...

When we first moved to Idaho, I had no job, no friends, no life, no nothing. I used to bitch and complain and cry about this all the time. I stayed at home ALL THE TIME, was depressed, and never had anything to do. It was really sad. SO when we moved on the Air Force base I decided to do this in home childcare thing. Then I decided to do Mary Kay. Which I love and doesn't bother me at all. Then I made friends with Randi and her husband, who mooch off of us all the time and drive me up the wall. So I got to thinking this morning about how I really had it good when I had no friends, no job, and no life. The sad thing is, I never stressed over much except for money here and there. All I had to worry about was paying the bills, taking care of Kailee, and cleaning the house. I mean how hard is that?

So, even though I used to hate how my life was, now I wish I could go back to the way it used to be. So, I realized the grass is always greener on the other side. But as my Mom put it, "the grass may be greener, but the landscaping and water bills are much higher!" HAHA! She cracks me up.

So I guess I'm through with the bitching and the moaning, and the crying. It is my life and if I really wanna change things then I can. And I will. It will just take some time. Okay, so one of my rugrats is screaming for no apparent reason except that I walked out of his sight for three seconds and it's time for lunch and then the best part of my day, NAPTIME! So have a good night everyone.


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