I am getting a break

On Wednesday, Apr. 06, 2005 @ 11:28 AM

Picture of the Day

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Quote of the Day:

"A psychiatrist is a fellow who asks you a lot of expensive questions your wife asks for nothing."
--Joey Adams


Howdy folks! It's Wednesday! I'm happy because there is only two and a half more days left in this work week! Yes, this makes me a happy woman, and mother.

It's been a fucked up week. First on Monday one of my child's father (we'll call her E) informs me that next week he's taking vacation leave. So this means E will stay home with him. And this means that E's father only has to pay a hold fee of HALF the normal rate. Then yesterday, Tuesday, my one child's father we'll call J (the same child whose father never EVER picks up on time) he informs me that Friday will be J's last day because his ex-wife is suddenly back in town and she has filed joint custody papers and so she will be getting him while J's dad is at work. Fucked up situation if you ask me. But whatever, takes stress off of me. His dad never pays me on time, never picks up on time, the kid is always sick, and so it just helps me not having to deal with that shit whenever I return from Tennessee. However, parents are REQUIRED to give me a FULL TWO WEEKS notice IN WRITING whenever they are pulling thier child out of my care. So, J's dad has to pay me the full time rate for the next two weeks. Sorry that your bitch ex-wife decided to cause problems, but I HAVE TO GET PAID! Asshole should have given me a head's up that this might happen. I'm sure he had some clue that she was filing these custody papers, it just doesn't happen overnight butthead! So next week I'll only make a whopping $150.00 and that sucks because we have dipped in our savings and I have been needing to return that money. But, oh well, guess I'll manage.

The GOOD NEWS IS, incase you haven't figured this out yet, is since E's dad is off of work and J's last day is Friday, and that's all the kids I have right now, NEXT WEEK I'm CHILD FREE! WHOO HOO! It just happened to work out that way! So, I get a much needed vacation, break, sleep in for five days, do whatever I want, have a cigarette whenever I please, take a shower in the middle of the day, go to the store whenever I want, watch whatever I please on TV, take a nap in the afternoon if I dare, clean this stinkin house to spit shine, finish all my laundry before our trip home to Tennessee, BREAK FROM CHILDCARE FOR A WHOLE WEEK! Are you kidding me? Plus I'll still get paid somewhat! I'm happy.

AND - I got a call today from a Mother that needs care starting in June, for two children, which means I have my open spots filled and I'll come back here to making money! It all seems just fine! YIPPEEE

Okay, so I'm working on fixing my computer right now. I just deleted almost every document I have. Saved them on backup. Sent programs to backup that I will need. Ran a Spyware test on this peice of shit, and now I'm about to wipe out the whole hard drive and restore it! Sounds like fun huh? Well it's not too bad. I think this might actually work. And with the new Pop-up blocker and Spyware software I have, I think I can stop future attacks before they happen. So wish me luck.

Nothing else really going on. Today was a feild trip to the Fire Station with all the kids. Kailee had so much fun and she was really good. She got to climb up in the Fire truck and she really enjoyed that part! She was so cute. I took pictures and they will be posted as soon as I have them.

Now, my one year old kid, E is screaming her head off. She doesn't really cry like a cute baby. She's overweight and can't move around very well wich is sad. And she thinks that she either has to have a bottle or food in her mouth ALL THE TIME! If her Father wasn't so awesome at paying me and picking up on time, then I'd drop her because she is really high maintenence, I know that's mean, but you must understand that I can only handle the scream that she does so much in a day! There is nothing wrong with her, she's got a clean diaper, she had a snack, and she's playing just fine, but then all of a sudden she starts this wail of a scream/cry thing, and it's really annoying sometimes. Especially when I'm cooking lunch and she stands at the kitchen gate and screams the entire 30 minutes it takes me! Anyway, that's enough of that! I'm done for the day. Might take me awhile to be back online seeing as I have to work on setting up my computer all over again! Have a great day everyone, I know I will!

UPDATE Okay so my luck seems to be changing this week...

First, E's dad just picked her up, and he informed me that he'd be paying the FULL rate for next week NOT just a holding fee. Thank goodness!

I got a call from a parent that needs care starting on June 1. Two kids! That helps a lot! Oh wait, I already wrote that earlier! Okay, just happy about that!

Okay, so J's dad, (the one that is ALWAYS late picking up) just picked up EARLY!!!! YAY, so I'm Done for the day. And he FINALLY signed my contract which means that now if he doesn't pay that two week notice then I GOT HIM! I can get my money because it's a binding contract! So I should and better get paid! HOPEFULLY...

And last but not least, I finally got my computer restore. Now I am in the process of re-installing all my settings and programs. And the computer is running so much better now. So yay!

Alright, that's it for now. Bye!

Actually there is one more thing....a new link on the side of my page! Please click, it's for teas. Of course I ripped this off of Supermom! Thanks for the link on your page, even though I'm not a huge hot tea drinker, I like Green Tea, you can make Iced tea with it. So, everyone go click that link with TEAS on it! :)

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