Just Pray

On Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005 @ 1:36 PM

I am literally exhausted today. I think my nightly song and dance of a few hours sleep here, watch some hurricane coverage, then more sleep, then up again to check on the status, then to the computer, then back asleep for a little bit before Kailee gets up, is FINALLY catching up with me. My throat hurts, my eyes burn, my head aches, could I be any more whiney? Sorry. Ugh, I just need a full 8 hours of sleep without the song and dance jive I've been doing. It's my own fault really, I have no one else to blame but myself. So I'm gonna shut up about it now.

People, I know I've talked about this hurricane for days now, but seriously, I have to say just a few more words. I was watching the coverage today, as so many of us are, and I saw a few things that disturbed me, besides the fact that there is so MUCH damage everywhere in the south becaue of this. First thing, the flood waters today are worse in New Orleans than they were yesterday at the peak of the storm. This is due to the city being below sea level, and the water breaking over the levees that proctect the city from the waters of the river and lakes that surround it. Yesterday I saw pictures of The French Quarter and Canal Street and it appeared to be in pretty good shape, minimal damage believe it or not. However today, the waters are almost up to the roofs of cars. This distrubed me. That is such a beautiful city inspite what everyone thinks. I just fear that The Big Easy will never be the same as it was before. And if it does, it will take MONTHS maybe even years to come that way. Next thing that disturbed me so was a man telling the news that he lost his wife during the worst of it. He was hanging on to her, and I didn't see the whole story, but he lost grip of her. Her last words to him were to take care of the kids. Just sad.

The last thing I'm gonna talk about is the most disturbing fact on my mind. Looters! This is right up there next to companies and businesses raising prices on thier commodities just because they can and they know people will HAVE to have things like food, water, supplies, repair equipment, and because people will HAVE to have them, they are raising the prices on them. That is just about as fucked up as it get. But anyway, the thing with the looters. I can't stand thieves in any aspect. To me people that steal are not trustworthy, and honestly I write them off. Now, I don't mean people that steal from Wal-mart occasionally, althought that's sad. I just mean, thieves, people that actually steal from another person. That is just downright low. And these looters doing this during this time are just the lowest scum of the earth that I can think of. I saw video of people breaking into people's homes and carrying as much as they could. I saw people running around like chickens with thier heads cut off in one neighborhood just as the storm was approaching, because they knew everyone was gone and so they were taken advantage. Now that the storm has passed, I hope all that stuff they stole got washed away in the storm surge. I heard a report of people starting to break into stores and shops on Canal St. and in the French Quarter. That is just rediculous. People are just low.

So I guess my point is this...if you are religous, put these people in your prayers. The people that are trapped on top of roofs, in thier cars, that are now homeless because thier house got washed away, the business owners that are going to probably go bankrupt because thier business is gone and the insurance companies either won't give them the money or wont' be ABLE to give them the money, the children that were in that Superdome when the roof started to break away and must have been frightened and now everytime they hear howling winds or rain outside they will have nightmares of what happened, the thousands that fled he area and evacuated that will return home to find nothing, the hundreds of people all over the US wondering if thier loved one in the area is safe because they can't call them to see if they are okay, the members of the military that are out there right now helping rescue these people and helping local governments start a plan to clean up the mess, the thousands of communities all over the three states that are without power. Just pray for them, or whatever you believe in, because the situation down there is not good. Imagine 9/11 and how devistating that was to New York, and that is the devistation that people are seeing down there right now. Maybe not as big a loss of life, but it is more than that in a loss of life as they knew it.

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Just keep them in your prayers. I'm done for now, I hope everyone has a great rest of the day.

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