About my weather addiction and 10 movies

On Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005 @ 1:17 AM

So, I have a couple of things to do on here real quick, as quick as I can. One is to talk about my obsession for the weather, really quick though.

Anyway, some people think I'm a geek for my love of the weather, some people think I'm a freak, and some people think it's neat, and some people think I'm sick because I love the weather and I'm fascinated by these hurricanes. Okay, honestly, from the time I was a little girl, and my grandmother let me stand on the porch during a thunderstorm to tell me that storms are neat and there is nothing to be scared of, I have been in love with the weather and storms. I remember standing there one morning during the summer, at the time there was nothing but a tobacco feild across the street, and I watched the grey clouds roll across the sky, watched the lightening striking and thunder booming, then the rain came, and I stood there and got soaked in my "Pound Puppy" night gown. I was amazed, and it has been in my blood ever since. It's just something I love and desire. But I don't want to portray the wrong impression, as if I "want" these storms to come. So here is a little snippet from The Weather Channel's weather blog, on thier website. This particular metorologist explains it all too perfect...

While this is surreal, it's also deeply troubling. Meteorologists have complex feelings about extreme weather. Many of us have been fascinated with the weather for a long time, and are awed by the power of nature. A roiling cumulonimbus cloud just "does something" for me. We look at satellite images of Katrina and find them breathtaking. But we are also horrified.

So I just wanted to declare my feelings before more people starting thinking I was crazy for getting all hyped up about these storms. That being said, I'm moving on to the next topic.

So I was reading Apostrophe today and she had a great little fun thing to do, so I'm doing it.

1. Pick 10 movies that you loved/enjoyed thoroughly.
2. Find pictures/stills from the movie and post it in your journal. If you can't find pictures, then pick another movie.
3. List the pictures in your journal and encourage your readers to guess the movies and then do the same.

So here ya go....in just a random order..

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So there ya go, have fun guessing. And have a good Tuesday all!

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