Red tape of the Air Force

On Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006 @ 10:56 PM

It's like nothing can ever go smoothly. That old saying, "Life is too good to be true" is totally dead on it.

Yesterday morning I wake up to the sound of the phone ringing. MY LEAST favorite way to wake up mind you. It was 10:30 too. WOW! Couldn't believe I slept that late. And I was on the couch. Yea, I fell asleep watching TV on the couch. The shittiest sleep ever, my neck hurt and everything. Also I didn't set my alarm, or charge my phone, or take the trash to the curb to be picked up. Yea, wonderful I'm thinking as I trip to get to the phone in time.

I answer the phone and it's my husband. He usually calls around this time. So I was like, please stop calling me right at 10:30 every morning, because I have to shower at this time, so I can take Kailee to school, bla bla bla. And responds with "We have a problem". WHAT? What the hell? I can't handle any more problems this week. I've had enough. So if you have a problem, please take a number, and I'll call it next week. I'm done taking problems. Anyhow, so I'm like what is the problem, and the problem turned out to be a crisis for me.

He tells me that the Chief Commander of Paralegal (his new job in the Air Force) has called him and asked that he volunteer to go to another base. HUH? What? THE? FUCK?! Um, I ask him in a panic what base, because my mind was going 90 MPH, already knowing that if this was a good base then this would NOT be a problem, but given how he started the conversation, I think it was a problem. And it was in fact a big problem. They wanted him to change his orders to a base in Wyoming. WYOMING! Oh DEAR GOD NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That is ONE of the few places that is actually WORSE than Mt. Home, Idaho! HELL NO! I started crying, just busted out in total crazy psycho woman tears.

He tells me not to worry, he's gonna tell them no. But I'm smarter than that, they are probably just letting him THINK he has a choice, when in fact that are gonna send him where ever they want to. Whatever. I freak out. But my day has to go on. Kailee has to get to school, I have a lunch date with my friend Stacy, and errands to run.

So we head out. Drop Kailee off at school. And head to town to meet Stacy. After a bitch fest about the Air Force and tears all through lunch and shopping with Stacy, I see that I have just enough time to get back to base and pick Kailee up from school. Then, OH SHIT! I forgot. I had to register the new SUV we bought. The temp tag is expired, I can't get back on base, I'm fucked. Totally. I rush over to the DMV and the woman is such a bitch to me. And she gives me problems registering the car because my name is not on it. Whatever. We get that worked out, and she starts telling me my temporary insurance card isn't right. So they call Geico to confirm that we are infact covered, and I'm not a lying whore. Whatever. So I finally get the registration and head on my way. And as fate would have it, I turn on the radio, and what other than John Denver "Rocky Mt. High" is on the radio! OMG. I start crying as I fear that my hopes of moving to Colorado are just being taken away by the military.

I get home, and watch TV. Anything that I see about Colorado, or the Mountains, or anything nice, I just start crying about. Because I'm such a baby. Then the husband calls. Hour of doom. But he says he has good news. They aren't gonna change his orders. He told them no, and they said they have someone else to send there, so "they say" we're okay. They say. Well, we'll just see. I don't like this one bit. You never know with the military. It all is just a game to them I guess.

Well, I cheered up last night. I had to. I've just been so depressed lately. With him gone, and me alone, and bored, and wel, I was just depressed. Also the quitting smoking thing. Well that isn't helping my nerves. Wonder if that is why I'm so depressed? And well I hate everything and everyone right now. I want a cigarette. I've had 5 today. I get one mroe before I go to bed. That's it. The reward for quitting better be good damnit.

That's all for today.

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