Just simple bitching

On Thursday, Oct. 26, 2006 @ 12:03 AM

Me didn't have that great of a day. I woke up not being able to breathe out of my left notril. That is the worst. Then as the day grew on, I sneezed like every five minutes. I swear I could have done the "Halilujah Chorus" alone with my sneezes. Gross. Anyhow, so it was seasonal allergy time, I know this. I popped some Benedryl, which made me tired, but I just drank coffee and pressured on. As I took Kailee to school, I realized the Wind Storm I mentioned yesterday was still happening here. The wind was blowing so freaking hard, with gusts up to 45 MPH, it was so funny, poor Kailee could barely walk. She was like leaning against the wind! Sorry, but I had to find humor in that.


So, yea, this afternoon I decided to skip the gym in my current state of groggy Benedryl. And so I rested. And then I was on the computer. I was sitting here on my computer minding my own happy business all bundled up comfortably in my blanket, and I see something out of the corner of my eye on my blanket. I look down and WHOA! It was a fucking SPIDER! Crawling right towards my face! It crawled all the way up my blanket and almost was crawling on my face! This scared the living piss outta me. I screamed and jumped up and was still screaming hysterically. An onlooker would have thought I was being attacked. I was so freaking traumatized by this. I continued to shake for about 30 minutes after the fact. I did find the spider though and was able to smush it into a 20 peice state of death. Though I didn't return to my computer for 2 hours. I was traumatized, swear.


Then tonight I met Stacy in town for some food, and we were discussing the humorous story of my run in with people of a certain religious faith and I was saying something like "Is there even such a thing as salvation?" And Kailee goes "NOOOOOOOO" like so matter of fact! It was freaking halirious!! Guess you had to be there. Guess I find humor in everything. I have to. Otherwise, I'll just go crazy the amount of stress on me.


I'm just so tired here lately. My energy is down. I'd rather sit in my recliner and sleep all day than do anything. Now I don't, mind you. I do get out and do stuff. But it takes all my energy just to go to Wal-mart and Dinner like tonight. I'm drained. I know I'm stressed and that is the issue here. I know things will be better. Two months from now, our official address will no longer be in Idaho, it will be in Colorado, and we'll be so much happier. But I just don't want to go through it all. Did you know I'm not even going to put up my own Christmas Tree this year?? Because we're leaving the first week of December, there is really no point right? And well, I shouldn't be sad about that, it's worth the sacrifice right? Sometimes I just wish I could wiggle my nose, and it'll all be done, and I can skip all the hard parts. Ugh. I'll get over it. It'll all get better reall soon.


So in light of me stopping bitching.....here is something fun I stole from


Democrat or Republican?
I'm slowly becoming neither....maybe I'll be a Liberalist.

Do you like your body?
NO...hince going to the gym regularly.

Would you date yourself?
Probably not.

Most attractive thing about you?
I'm good on paper! HAHA!

Are you currently sexually active?
Well....seeing as the husband has been away for 3 weeks, and has another 3 weeks to go...NO, but when he's here, then ya.

Have a crush on anyone?
Neh...I'm married, crushes are gone for me. Though I occasionally crush on Johnny Depp when he stars in a new movie...or is a Pirate...yum.

First thoughts waking up?
Where's the coffee? EVERY MORNING!

What do you love in life?
My daughter, my family, my friends. The good things.

Ever been in love?
Absolutely...I am now.

Are you a religious person?
HAHA, you guess for yourself.

What is a major turn on in the opposite sex?
PERSONALITY! Gotta have a good sense of humor and a brain that is bigger than a pea....physically I like the eyes.

Major turn off?
Being mind numbling stupid, or a follower.

How long does it take you to get ready?
Around 45 mins.

Would you consider yourself high maintenance?
NO. Absolutely not.

Why or why not?
Because I care about more than material things....and I'm easy to please.

Do you work out?

Do you get asked out a lot?
HA! NO, I'm married, the ring turns em' away.

How many e-mails a day do you get on MySpace?
At least 3 or 4.

Missing someone right now?

Who is it and why aren't they there?
My Mom - because she lives in TENN. and I live in Idaho...and my best friend Amber, and because she lives in New York, and I live in Idaho.

Have a significant other?
Well. yea.

Favorite thing to do during down time?
Play computer games for hours on end! HAHA!

When do you feel sexiest?
When I'm with my husband, because only he makes me feel that way.


SO THAT IS IT! I hope your day tomorrow is better than my day today....hell I hope my day tomorrow is better than my day today....that's it.
Good night, and good karma...and some Coffee.

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