Good bad and baby

On Monday, Apr. 16, 2007 @ 1:36 PM

Today's entry has to be quick and straight to it. There's a few things going on and one very important thing!! HEHE!

The blizzard I mentioned in my previous entry, came and went. Thursday and Friday it snowed like crazy. Not as bad as they thought, we only got 6 inches. Thank goodness. Saturday by NOON it was all melted because the temp got up to almost 60! So, no big deal.

I found out over the weekend that I can not register to vote in the state of Colorado. Why? Well because that will make me a legal resident of the state. (Something I actually wanted to do) And becoming a legal resident of the state means I have to pay taxes for the state. DUH. The only taxes that would effect me would be the car tags. And we're talking about 200 dollars to register here. My friend had to do it last week. She showed me her bill! And seeing as BOTH our vehicles have to be registered during the same month, that means we just can't afford it. Who can afford that really? It was only like 40 bucks in Idaho. And 80 in Tennessee. So, damn. The bummer is that I actually wanted to be legal here in Colorado. And I wanted to vote here. On issues that are going on here. Where I live. I never cared in Idaho. But I do care here. But oh well, I have to stay legal in Tennessee and continue to vote absentee. At least I get to vote. But seeing as it's absentee, do you think it'll count? HAHA!

Moving on...we had a fabulous weekend. Friday night we had an excellent dinner with friends and went to a movie. Saturday we lazed around, and Saturday night I made dinner for JK, the Husband's work friend. Then Sunday JK came over and helped us move out boxes and trash from what will be the baby's room!! YAY! It's all cleaned out in there, and I'm so excited to get that room ready for Baby Number 2. Last night was pizza and Sopranos night.

Oh and a bit of bad news. Remember that little band called "TOOL" that the Husband and I just love so much? Remember I said we are going to see them May 8 in New Mexico? And then I said they are coming here to Colorado Springs the very next night, and so we're gonna catch them here too? Well, we have had our tickets to the New Mexico show since Janurary. So we're going to that show. But somehow we missed tickets going on sale Saturday for the show here in the Springs, and it is now SOLD OUT! I couldn't believe it. I've been watching ticket sales like a damn hawk for that show. I'm so pissed I missed it. So now we're only going to NM to see them. But at least we have those tickets. Tickets are sold out for that show as well. Every show so far is selling out. Anyhow, I have to be thankful for at least ONE show. That is if we find a babysitter. I'm freaking out about a babysitter. Damnit.

And lastly.....TODAY IS THE DAY! I'm finding out the sex TODAY! At 4PM MST, I will know whether this baby is a boy or girl. I'm freaking excited! I'll be sure to let you all know!!

I better go now, I have to get ready for the big event!! I'm so freaking excited!!

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