Hot Dog or Cheeseburger

On Tuesday, Apr. 17, 2007 @ 3:53 PM

So do you want me to get to the point? Well too bad! I have a couple things to say before I make the big announcement!! HAHAHA! I'm evil.

First, I HAVE TO THANK....Art! He suggested that I try Craig's list for tickets to the concert that's sold out. And well, last night I got a response from a guy that isn't gonna rape me on ticket prices. SOOOOOOOOO THANK YOU ART! Looks like we're going to the show!!

Next, if you haven't heard about the Virgina Tech shootings, then you really should come out of your shell! HA, no I'm kidding. But seriously, I wanna take a moment for those people. It just saddens me to no end how unsafe our world is. And I really feel for those victims in VA.

And ok ok ok, I'll get to it.

Yesterday we drove clear across town to a small doctor's office to determine the sex of Baby Number 2. I was excited as hell! The Husband was nervous. And Kailee, well she was just in her own little world as always. But once we got there, and I told them my name, the lady goes "Hmm, you're not on our schedule, and our Ultra-sound machine is broken." WTF?? Couldn't you have called me!!!!!!! Well, no that would have made too much sense. But she went in the back and came out and said the doctor would do the ultra-sound if I was ok with NOT getting a picture. SURE! I just wanna know what this kid is! No problem.

Anyhow, after 15 LOOOOOOOOOOONG minutes of waiting... we were called and we sat there for the LOOOOOOOOOOONGEST 45 seconds of my life before the doctor says.......

"Well, It's a boy."

YOU SHOULD HAVE seen the Husband's face! He lit up like a Christmas tree!!!

So needless to say we are all very happy. He's very happy. I'm very happy, and Kailee, well she's just still Kailee. I think she's getting tired of all the baby talk. Now I'm ready to go spend some money! For months I've been sitting on our tax return so I can shop for this kid, now it's time!!

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