Starting a bye

On Tuesday, May. 29, 2007 @ 12:55 PM



I had an entry all ready to go. Wrote it up, clicked on "done!", and low and behold, D-land didn't post it. I'm getting a little fed up with it.

I remember when my "free" membership was just as good as the next. Now it's slow, loses my shit, and it takes forever just to freaking post an entry or comment.

Screw this. I'm gonna work on making the switch over to Blogger.

I know I know, years of good service, and the first site of problem I abandon ship, how rude right? No, wrong. There are only times when the service has been good. I've been on here for 3 years. Every other month there is an issue. Half the time I can't post an entry, the other half it takes about 20 minutes to load it up. So screw it. I just hope my readers will follow.

Anyhow, so I figure the topics of my entry I had all ready to go this morning weren't something I need to post right now, I guess I'll talk about something else.

I was talking with my Mom yesterday. Somehow we got on the subject of Kailee and how she doesn't have our last name. She still has my maiden name. See T and I weren't married when we had her. In fact we weren't even together anymore. We had broken up two days before I found out I was pregnant. Yea wow.

So when K was born, there was all this drama surrounding her birth. The Husband's family kept telling him not to sign the birth certificate without a blood test. Which was complete bullshit. He never once thought she wasn't his. But because his family, in particular his MOTHER was whispering in his ear, he chickened out and didn't sign the birth certificate, and in turn, K didn't get his last name.

Since we've been married, it's been brought up a few times that we get her name changed. But only by HIS MOTHER. The person almost 100 percent responsible for her not having his name in the first place.

Well back in Janurary when we went home for a visit, she brought the subject up in front of T. And she knows he can't tell her no. So she did this on purpose. She was like "what would it take to change Kailee's name?". I was like a lot of money. Which is true. And I explained this isn't a priority right now, and bla bla bla. She wanted to know how much money, so I told her probably 800 dollars. Probably NOT true, but I was being mean I guess.

The fact that she cornered me and the Husband about it, really pissed me off. First this isn't her deal at all. If we choose to change K's name, then we'll do it. When we have the money and the time. I do know that it has to be done in the state of Tennessee, and it'll probably take a month or so to get done. SO there really is no way to do it right now seeing as we don't live in Tennessee.

And then the kicker. Later that day, after she didn't get her way about it, she starts in on Kailee. She had out a dry-erase board and was writing with Kailee on it. She was saying things like "This is your real last name, Daddy's last name." And she was telling her that she shouldn't have the name she has. WTF???

Woman this was YOUR fault to begin with. If you'd just let your son make his own decisions, then this would have never been a problem. Man was I pissed. What right does she have talking to my child about all that? It's not really Kailee's concern. K has NEVER once questioned it before. Now anytime anyone asks her name, she tells the whole damn story along with telling them her name. It just wasn't right.

So while they were sitting there, and his Mom was sitting there manipulating my child, I pointed out the whole reason she doesn't have his last name is because he wouldn't sign the birth certificate because everyone was telling him not to. And that shut her up real fast.

The thing that kills me about this woman is that she only pulls this shit when her son his around. When I go home by myself for a visit, she doesn't dare start shit like this. Well she didn't use to. Last summer, I went home for 2 months. On my MOTHER'S DIME. This woman has never put in for plane tickets for us to go home. But she insisted that I spend two weeks at her house with her. Just sitting around thier house which is located in the middle of the country and woods, doing absolutely NOTHING. Yea, that's how I want to spend my vacation back home. Screw that. I don't mind a day, maybe even two, but I will not spend two fucking weeks out there. She actually got mad. Phoned up my husband and whined to him about it. Which of course started up some problems between us.

I had to explain that SHE has NEVER helped us fly home for our visits. My Mother always does the paying. And my Mother is NOT going to go for 2 weeks of us not being around. And who is SHE to try and dictate where we spend our vacation. I know it's mean. But seriously, when I go home, I'm gonna spend my time the way I FUCKING WANT TO. Not how SHE wants me to.

I compromised, because I am a nice person, and I spent two nights out there. That's all I could stand. But I also think that was a good amount of time to stay. ANd of course I went out there more for a few hours here and there to visit with them. I just didn't want to STAY overnight there.

Anyhow, enough bitching. I guess it's all on my mind though because my Mom and I were talking about it yesterday. She thinks now that his Mother has pulled this shit with Kailee's last name, K might have a few mixed emotions about the new baby having our last name, and K not having it. If it becomes a problem, then we'll make arrangements to get it done. But I plan on telling her regardless of her name, we love her just the same. She already knows that I think. And I plan on telling his MOTHER to shut her mouth, if she tries to stir this shit again.

Ok so I'm done. Maybe this entry will actually post. HA! One can only hope. But I can't sit here for the rest of the afternoon trying to post. I have a house to clean and laundry to do....and this child is kicking my bladder hard, so I need to pee. Bye! :)

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