Hot and Foul

On Tuesday, May. 29, 2007 @ 10:57 AM

I aboslutely can not take much more of the heat in my house. We need relief badly. I know people have lived without Air Conditioning for years. But I can NOT see how they EVER did it.

It's not even that hot here. It's only in the upper 70's, and I'm already dying. I know half the problem is pregnancy. I'm a lot hotter and uncomfortable than I would be if I wasn't knocked up. And that makes me even more upset about the whole A/C situation.

And I've asked my lanlord since the 1st of May to install our window A/C units for us. We won't do it because we really don't know how, and because if we break something, we don't wanna be reliable. The landlord has been saying he'd be up here every week since the 1st of May, and he hasn't. I'm getting a little fed up with the situation. It's been almost a month since I asked! It's starting to get really too hot for me to be upstairs in my bedroom. And honestly there is no reason for him to be putting me off like this. I'm gonna give him one last "nice" call today. Then if he doesn't show up this week sometime, I'll have to become my bitchy self. Wonder if I could hold my rent check until he comes?? Think that would get us in trouble? Yea probably.

Anyhow, so there's my whining of the day. I have more pressing matters to talk about.

Kailee lately has really been testing my buttons. I think, scratch that, I KNOW it's because of me being pregnant. All the attention is on me and this baby. I know it's taking a toll on her. Lately she acts out so badly towards me that I just don't know what to do.

AN example is her attitude. In fact that's the worse thing. She talks back to me so badly. She argues with everything I say. And her attitude is so snotty. I can't stand it. I tell her constantly that I am not her friends at school and she will not be talking to me that way.

I have my dicispline methods too. I give her a chance to fix what she's done wrong. If it continues, then she gets punished. The punishment depends on the crime. Time out is for not too serious offenses. And it goes up from there. But nothing seems to be working lately.

It's especially bad when we have company over. Last night JK and his wife were over to play poker, and K really showed her ass. I was so furious that I couldn't see striaght. I had to let T handle the situation for fear that I was too angry to deal with it.

And when it comes to K, I really do think I have an awesome kid. My friend Amber's little boy of the same age, he's horrible. I hate to talk bad about her son, but she knows it too. He's such a brat. He has a horrible mouth, and he doesn't listen to a damn thing Amber says ever. SO my point is that I know with K, I have it lucky. But I'm not used to behavior problems with her. And even the smallest problem, I don't want to have. Especially right before I have another baby, and my attention has to go from her to him.

Well anyhow, I guess that's all. I've got a house to clean and laundry to wash, and a landlord to call and bitch out. Have a good day everyone.

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