
On Sunday, May. 27, 2007 @ 10:26 AM

So I was totally right. I was way more into Pirates of the Caribbean than K was. And the Husband. You know I'm gonna start calling him T. I'm tired of typing out "The Husband". It's just that he doesn't want his name splattered all over my page, and I can understand that. So from now on, "The Husband", is T. Cool.

Anyhow, I don't know if it was because K was extremely tired, or the fact that she's come down with a head cold, but she just couldn't sit still, and seemed even bored through some parts. I will say there was a lot of the story being told, and she probably just got bored during those little stretches of storyline.

But no matter, I LOVED THE DAMN MOVIE! It was freaking amazing. Full of pirate action. Full of Captain Jack Sparrow being the funny little scammer he is. I just loved the whole thing. It never stopped once it got going. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Maybe it's just me, but I love pirate stories and I love Johnny Depp, so I have so much enjoyed all three of these movies. T thought it a little bit slow during some parts, I couldn't agree with that. IT never stopped. It's definately worth going to see in the theatre, way more than Spiderman 3 was, and it kills me to say that.

I was a little upset with how Kailee acted though. She actually fell asleep during part of it, and I had to wake her up. I was shocked. After the second one, she was IN LOVE with these movies. Watched them over and over. Last summer when we were in TN visiting, she got up on my Mom's bed, which has those long poles on each corner ya know. And she was standing up there, holding onto the pole like Cpt. Sparrow does in the movie, and she was going "I'm Captain Jack Sparrow!!!!". It was the damn cutest thing. She wanted to be a pirate for halloween even. But I guess she just wasn't feeling good. Oh well. Nothing I can do now.

Okie dokie, as K would say. Blue Opal mentioned mice in her last entry. Got me to thinking about last year during the winter. Mice migrated to our garage for whatever reason. I guess the biggest thing is that we don't use our garage for parking or even just storage. T plays the drums. And so he insulates the garge walls with sound proof materials to keep the sound in. And then he lays carpet down, to keep the echo away. And then in the winter, he uses a space heater to keep warm. Also in the past when we smoked, we did it in the garage, it's way warmer in there than in outside. So my point is, we sorta made a little home for the mice.

We laid traps down, and within an hour all of them would have a dead mouse in it. SO T would do it all over again. One time we laid the traps down, and stood at the door watching this one mouse go after the cheese. He snuck up on the trap, and started nibbling on the cheese, and I said, "Awww, he's sorta cute", and right at that moment, SNAP!!! It was halirious. But at that point I started feeling a bit bad for killing them. After all they're living things right.

Well, as the winter ended, we had a head count of 32 mice. And there were still more out there we could hear and would sometimes see even. And so we did our yearly "clean out the garage" routine. We went through every single box we had stored out there, they mice had hit them all. I was really pissed. I lost a lot of cute stuff I had stored out there. 2 purses, some of Kailee's baby clothes, two jackets....just that I can remember off the top of my head. That's just clothes wise. There was way more shit ruined that we had to throw out. And so the more we went through everything, the more pissed I got. FUCK THE MICE! They may be living things, but they are assholes. Not only do they tear up everything, but they have diseases and shit. We had to pull our carpets out into the sun for 2 days, because they shit all over them. You know little mice poop balls.

Yea so when all was said and done, I no longer care about the mice. Cute or not, living or not, they are disgusting and mean.

Ok that's all, sorry about my sad little mice rant! HA!

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