Weird 24 Hours

On Saturday, May. 26, 2007 @ 4:25 PM

Wow what a last couple of days. A lot can happen in 24 hours.

Here's a quick rundown.

Our friends from Idaho got stuck in Idaho because of C's work. They wouldn't let him off because of some special thing going on at the base, so they didn't get to leave until that evening. Which meant they didn't get here until Friday morning. NO biggie though. It was so nice to see them. I will say that R has grown up some. I'm actually very proud of the Mother she's come to be. She's really great with their baby. And of course I enjoyed playing and taking care of that baby. It's so hard to patiently wait for my own to come out!

Anyhow, it wasn't all that great though. No they weren't the cause of the problems. Sometime yesterday afternoon The Husband's Mom called. His Dad went into the hospital yesterday with appendicitis. At that time, they thought it would just be the regular ordeal. Take it out, sew him up, and he's gonna be fine. So no big worries.

Day goes on, and I get a call from my Mom. After about 3 minutes of bull shitting, she finally out and says, "Well your Granny is in the hospital." WHAT THE FUCK? Seriously was what I said. Turns out my Grandmother passed out and my Grandfather rushed her to the ER. With her blood pressure high, her acting disoriented and fuzzy, they were worried about her having an Anurisim(SP?), brain tumor (cancer returning), or internal bleeding.

After I made my Mom swear on her own life that she'd call me the minute they found out something, I prepared the best I could for the worst. I was prepared to spend way too much on last minute plane tickets for K and me to fly home. You know, "just incase".

After 2 very long hours, I finally heard back that they still weren't sure what was wrong, and they were waiting for the results of MRI and such to come back in the morning (this morning), so they admitted her.

Now what a strange world. All in one day, the Husband's Dad, and my Granny all up in the hospital. Just scary.

I felt really bad for flipping out last night seeing as the Husband was dealing with the same sort of problem, and he was keeping his cool. Here I am going nuts and preparing to fly home at last minute. But I'm really really close to my Grandmother. My Grandparents pretty much raised me, I lived with them most of my life, so yea, they are like my Mom and Dad too.

Well, this morning I got up early to watch C and R's baby while they rested up for the rest of thier road trip today. (They're on their way to Texas to visit his family)And I called my Granny's hospital room, talked to my Grandfather who told me that the doctor had just come in. He says that everything was FINE. WHEW. Apparently she was having major migraines. Well, that makes sense, I've had them that bad, been put in the hospital for it too. So I actually felt at ease with this outcome.

However, the Husband's Dad's surgery took a bad turn. They found scar tissue inside his intestines. His blood level is really low b/c the lost a lot of blood on account of blood thinners. (He had a stroke a little over a year ago). They aren't sure what happened to the intestines to cause scarring. They think it's an infection, but they honestly aren't sure. The doctor also told the Husband that he's in bad shape, and he may not recover fully from the surgery.

So. Yea. At this point we're not sure what's really gonna happen. We're waiting for test results, and possible outcomes. If need be, I'll send the Husband home alone this time to visit with his Dad, if it's a "just incase" situation. I hate that though. "Just incase".

And this afternoon the friends left. It was nice spending time with them, and I realized that I miss them a lot. There was no problems, no drama, just good old fun. And they are going to come back through here when they head back to Idaho. They'll have more time then anyway to stay. So we're looking forward to that.

Tonight we're taking K to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3. I'm just as excited as she is. Johnny Depp is my FAVORITE actor. And hell, I just freaking LOVE pirates. Though when I was a kid they scared me! HAHA! But I think I'm more into this movie than K and the Husband are! HEHE!

So that does it. Have a great Holiday weekend everyone! ;)

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