
On Thursday, May. 24, 2007 @ 10:38 AM

I can't believe I haven't mentioned this before.

Tonight our friends from Idaho, C and R (I've talked about them before I know), they are coming here for a short visit. Way back when, there was a LOT of drama surrounding being friends with this girl, R. C worked with the Husband, R is his wife, and that's how we all met. We were extremely close to these people. And for the longest time, things were awesome with all of us.

But after a while the drama with R really started to impact the Husband's friendship with C, and as a result, last August things just unraveled. I was on an extended stay in Tennessee when it all happened, and to keep a long story short, after all was said and done, the Husband declared to me that he was done being friends with C all together.

Well when it came time for us to move, I just couldn't bring myself to leave without saying something. So I got in touch with R. By this time, they had had thier baby too, and I honestly did want to see him. So we talked and hung out for about an hour, and after an hour of talking and apologies (on both eneds, b/c I wasn't innocent either), we made up I guess. We came up with a plan to get C and the Husband together to talk things out as well. It worked and after about an hour of them talking about the whole ordeal, they were back to being best friends again.

In all honesty, I was very glad to have made ammends with them before we left. Yes it would have been just as easy to move away and never speak to them again. But at the same time, I deep down inside really did love these people. The good thing is, I can steer clear of any drama with the girl. Because I love 800 miles away. So it's like I can be thier friend, without the heartache now.

And now they are coming here. Tonight. And I have not done shit to prepare. Well I did go to the store and get food. But I need to clean the house and stuff. I've totally put it off to the last minute. But in my defense it's been a busy week. Monday being my Birthday, I took the day off. Tuesday was my Ultrasound, and yesterday was Kailee's Kindergarden graduation.

OH YEA. Kailee graduated Kindergarden yesterday! I KNOW! I couldn't believe my eyes. My baby is really growing up. I just can't get over how fast time flies. She'll be 6 this year and start 1st grade. It's all surreal. But I did good yesterday and I didn't cry at all!

Anyhow so me guessing I need to hop off here and work some more on my chores. I'm already exhausted, and I've only done one room so far! Maybe I'll take a nap later.

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