The one with the Presidential Debate Number Three

On 2004-10-08 @ 9:34 p.m.

Well, I will attempt to write about the pathetic presidential debate that has just taken place while it is fresh on my mind.

First I have to say, I am so sick now of hearing their plans for Iraq. Honestly, I don�t think either one of them can come up with a plan to save Iraq. We have the worst threat, or at least whom everyone has said is the worst threat, and that is Sudam. Now, I think it is time to get the hell out of there, and I don�t think either candidate really has a great plan for helping that situation. So, I am tired of always hearing how we are going to save Iraq. I would like to hear how each candidate is planning to save our own fucking country. I mean, what the holy hell is wrong with concentrating more on our own problems.

The next thing I am tired of hearing is from Bush. Bush is always saying that Sudam had weapons of mass destruction, and he was planning to develop more and whatever. He says the biggest threat to our nation is terrorist that have WOMD. But, wait, didn�t the terrorist that attacked us, and caused us to have the biggest attack on our own soil in history, didn�t they use our own GOD DAMNED planes!?!?! I thought so. So, what is really the threat here? Do we even know? I don�t think that we do.

One thing that really ruffled my feathers was the question about stem cell research. I happen to think that we should continue to use this and learn more about it. I don�t know much about it, however I do know that stem cell research come from the umbilical cord right? Well, the question tonight was actually implying that when we conduct stem cell research, that it is actually killing a fetus. I don�t believe this to be true. But when the question was asked, Kerry did not explain the research and it�s process very well. I think that first he should have explained it, and then answered the question. It is such a hazy subject, and many Americans don�t know enough about it to decide if they are for it or against it. So, it would have been in Kerry�s best interest to explain the subject.

The next thing I am going to talk about is the abortion question that was brought up during the debate. I first of all, am Pro Choice. I believe that it is the sole right of the woman in question to decide what she will do when faced with pregnancy. I don�t believe that it is fair to have an abortion just because you were irresponsible and didn�t try to prevent getting pregnant. But, I believe still, it is our constitutional right to make this decision. And there are other situations that should allow us women to decide to terminate our pregnancy. Like what if the fetus could die during birth, and could also kill the mother in the process. And what if that mother already has two other children to care for? Then what should she do? Should she take a risk of killing herself, just to give birth to a baby that will probably die during the process? Should she not be able to decide for herself whether or not she should carry the baby, and risk killing herself, and then her children are without a mother? I think she should be able to make this decision. And what about the woman or very very young girl that is raped and then becomes pregnant? And then the worst scenario of them all, the one that Kerry brought up, what if a young girl is being raped by her father, and then she becomes pregnant. Let�s just say that she is like 12 years old. This is incest, and now, do you think that she should have to carry that baby, at 12 years old, and then give birth to it? If you believe that way, then I think you are fucked up. Anyway, Kerry, really hit home with me on one thing tonight. He said that he is a Christian. He is catholic and that religion has always been a huge part of his life. But he says that he can not decide to push his beliefs into the constitution and force us, Americans, to believe what he believes. That is exactly how I feel about my beliefs, and everyone else�s in my life. Yes, you are free to choose how you want, and to believe what you want, and so am I, but I will not force my beliefs on you, and so I don�t want you to force your beliefs on me. It makes me sick how Bush is trying to take away our constitutional rights. Not just Bush really, but the entire Republican party is. Just because Bush says that something is wrong, he wants the rest of America to believe it is wrong as well. And for Bush�s reply, he only kept saying why abortion was wrong in his mind. I just can�t stand that. Kerry just hit the nail right on it when he said that he would not force his beliefs upon the American people. And I thank him so much for that statement. Even though I feel that this statement may have cost him the election. There are too many people I this country that are too religious and will back Bush just because he opposed abortion. And I feel now that Kerry might actually loose because of his statements he made tonight about abortion.

Oh, and one other subject that is driving me crazy! I am so sick and tired of the �flip-flopper� comments. GET OVER IT BUSH! Kerry changes his mind. What are you mad because you didn�t think to research a subject, become more knowledgeable about the subject, and then make a better decision from there. Don�t we all do this in real every day life? If we want to buy a car, we go out and we look. First we might decide to buy that Honda at that one place. We go home and discuss it, and decide, okay we�re buying the Honda. But the next day we might go out and look around more, then say, hey this looks like the best deal, so let�s go with the Chevy instead. Get my point people? Changing your mind on subjects is a way of life. I first thought that we should bomb the hell out of Iraq. But that was when I was being brainwashed by the government to think that Sudam helped Bin Laden attack us, and that Sudam had WOMD, and whatever the fuck else Bush accused him of. But after a few months, I started to research the shit, and I found out that maybe Iraq wasn�t a threat, and when they didn�t find the WOMD, I definitely started to think that we should not have bombed Iraq. And then Fahrenheit 9/11 came out, and I started to really believe that Bush was full of shit. So, I changed my mind after much research and learning about the topics. Does that make me a flip-flopper? NO! And Kerry has done the same thing. But it doesn�t mean that he is a flip-flopper.

Whew, okay enough of this shit. There are two debates left, and I will discuss those. But then after that, I�m done with the politics shit. I just hope that anyone that reads my journal, that wasn�t going to vote, will open their mind and try to choose and vote. See, I can bitch all day about how much I hate the presidential administration, politics, and the way they run our government, because I VOTE. But those of you out there that don�t, do not have the right to bitch. So, think about it, and then go chose for yourself who you think should be president, because if you don�t, someone else will.

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