The one with Sesame Street Live

On 2004-10-18 @ 11:15 p.m.

Trick or Treat!

Monday night, and the kid finally goes home with his daddy! YAY!

Not that the baby was bad, but Kailee acts like a demonic creature when he is here. Literally she acts like she is on crack or something. All hyper and shit. I know she does it because I have to give him my attention, and that takes away from her, but damn child simmer down! She is passed out now, thank goodness to the heavens, and I have a moment to myself that I don�t have to spend asleep. This is why I have not updated in a few days, because I have been nonstop on the go for the last four days. One would think this would make me happy, but it doesn�t. And that is due to the fact that I�m so used to doing nothing, that when I am actually on the go, I get so freaking tired that I�m like a walking zombie. So here is the rundown of my weekend.

Friday after my extravaganza in Wally�s I was ready to pass out at about 8:00 But I had so much work to do, that I didn�t end up in bed until about 11:00. Then around 5:30 AM, Tommy calls me and he won�t shut up. I was supposed to be outta bed and in the shower by that time. Bless his heart, he just wanted to talk a bit I guess, but I had things to do! So running late as usual, --I swear I will probably be late for my own funeral-- I rushed in the shower, rushed getting ready, then I had to dress the �little tykes�, and load them in the car just to drive into town and take Kailee to daycare. I HATED that I had to take her to daycare. It was dreadful. The place is not that clean, the girls that work there are all really young, and the owner is never there. And on top of all that all they do all day is have the T.V. on, let them play or whatever, and them put them down for naps. I mean, I know there is only so much you can do with kids, but Kailee has been going there for like three months, and not once have they sent me home with a drawing or coloring or craft that they did with her. So, anyway, I had no choice but to take her Saturday morning because I could have never gotten the Yard Sale done with her jumping around! And the baby sleeps till 10:00 and his other babysitter was coming at 11:00 to get him, so he was no prob. So, I was supposed to be ready to open my Yard Sale for business at 7:30, but I wasn�t really ready till like 8:30 and that was fine because no one showed up till then anyway. It was freezing, and plus the damned sun doesn�t come up till then either! But once people started showing up, that was it. I was selling shit left and right. Only a select few would leave without buying stuff, and they were looking for boy clothes, or other things that I didn�t have, so no big deal anyway. But I ended up making $100.00. Not bad for only be out there for 4 hours, and really not having a lot. The sucker is that I didn�t sell my old bed, but I did sell my piece of shit coffee table! YAY!

So after the long morning, I had to rush to get ready, then rush into town to get the tickets. I was already in a foul mood due to the fact that I waited and waited for this lady to come back about my bed and she never did. I was also running late because of her, which I actually would have been on time for once in my life. So, needless to say, I was not in a great mood, as I sped to the Albertson�s to pick up my tickets. The lady behind the counter was a rude bitch. I hate people like that. Just because they are the assistant manager of a fucking grocery store they think they have some sort of great power and they are rude bitches. Now, I remember distinctly telling the bitch that I ordered the tickets from on the phone that I wanted to pick up my tickets at a ticket outlet. Well, the tickets were no where to be found. $40.00 worth of fucking tickets was missing. I had my confirmation numbers and everything. So, after making me even later, and calling the Ticket Master people, the lady finally says that I am going to have to go to the Box Office at the venue. Well, this makes me really pissed. I have never been to this venue, and I had no clue where to park my car, or how far I was going to have to walk, which is why I wanted to get there ass early. And NOW, I had to find the damned ticket office, probably wait in an ass long line, and then fight with some other rude bitch about my tickets. So leaving Albertson�s with everything being said with the ticket lady but �fuck you please� I rushed to get Kailee from her daycare. She is always a freaking mess there, so I took a change of clothes and wipes to clean her. After that great event, I made my way to Boise. God I hate driving to Boise, it takes for damn ever! But once I was there, I was lucky to find the parking garage was right across the street from the venue, but I couldn�t find the damned Box Office. And once I finally did, it was almost freaking Showtime!

Once at the Box Office, like I projected, there was a long line. And when I got to the window, they couldn�t find my tickets of course. After like ten minutes of waiting, they just printed me off a new set. Then I rushed inside for the show. Here�s how that breaks down.

Gas to get to Boise: $10.00
Parking at the Event: $5.00
ONE VERY SMALL cup of Lemonade for Kailee: $3.25
One very small bag of Popcorn for Kailee: $3.00
One Program Activity book for Kailee: $5.00
One Elmo flashing light for Kailee: $10.00
Watching my daughter suffer in line to go pee: PAINFUL
Seeing my daughter�s eyes light up at the sight of Elmo in her face: PRICELESS

I�m 22 years old, and I thought the show was great! I mean, I loved Sesame Street when I was a kid. So, this was actually fun for me. Kailee really loved it too. She was amazed by all the shit they did. And we were in the 6th row, right on the isle. So when they came into the audience and danced, she loved it! Yes, she was scared of them at first, but after I picked her up, and ran her up to Elmo, she calmed down. Elmo is her favorite, and it made her life I think when Elmo shook her hand. Too bad she probably won�t remember it! HAHA! But all the stress that I went through to take her to this event was way more than worth it.

After taking her to Sonic to eat, we headed back to sorrowful Mt. Home. I had to pick up the baby boy from his other sitter�s house. Once I found their house, I was so relieved to see that someone else in this world was normal like me. I mean this woman was great! She is from the south, like me. She is outspoken, like me. And we found that we had a lot in common. I ended up hanging out at her house for like 3 hours! It was great. And, she invited me to a Sex Party tomorrow night, and I�M GONNA GO! I really can�t wait. It will be so much fun! I�m excited. When I finally got home at like 9:00 PM I was so tired I couldn�t see straight. Needless to say, Kailee and the baby boy were too and they passed out. I was supposed to do my homework for the week, but I didn�t. I passed out too. I didn�t care about homework. I was so tired that I could barely see. I slept for like 14 hours. And so did the kids! So, yesterday was a lazy day. I was online last night, but still didn�t feel like doing any work. I even attempted to write an entry, but couldn�t do it and ended up back in bed early for me!

So, that was about all of my weekend. While my husband, and my friends were out in Vegas getting drunk in casinos and clubs, I was here being a mother. And you know what; I don�t think I would have had it any other way.

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