Abnormal Sleep Patterns

On Friday, Nov. 05, 2004 @ 11:53 PM

Oh God today sucked.

I hate it when I don�t get the sleep I need at night, and I have to get up the next day, then when I come home, I sleep all damned day.

This is exactly what I did today. Last night, I couldn�t fall asleep. At 2:00AM I was still awake. When I finally fell asleep, I don�t know what time it was, I was out. But I was awakened by Kailee crying. Poor thing peed in her bed and she was extremely upset by this. My great husband was up caring for her, but through her cries I was unable to fall back asleep. Last time I looked at the clock, it was 4:30 and I had to be up at 6:00.

Then, because of daylight savings time, we hadn�t reset our bedroom clock, so the alarm went off an hour early. After hitting the snooze a thousand times, I rushed to get ready, then I realized it wasn�t time for me to leave when I came into the kitchen to make my coffee. So, I made my coffee and went back to sleep till it was time for me to leave. When I woke up after that, I was feeling like total shit.

I had First Aid training today, and all through the damned class I was dozing off. I felt bad, but good thing I had been through this training before, so I already knew the answers to the questions on the test.

After getting out of that, I came home, ate some lunch and passed out. I slept on the couch until 7:00 PM. I awoke feeling like total shit again and I still feel that way. That is what abnormal sleep patterns will do to a person. Make them feel like total shit forever. I just want to climb back in bed and hibernate till I�m refreshed. I swear I�m the kind of person that required 10 hours of sleep in order to make it through the next day. What am I gonna do when my daycare opens?? God help me.

So now, it�s off to finish up a research paper for college and some damned mortgage assignment for my finance class. Toodles people!

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