Defining Moment

On Tuesday, Nov. 09, 2004 @ 1:42 AM

OH MY GOD! That�s right people, OH MY GOD! I am too excited, but Friends Season 8 releases on DVD Tuesday {today for some, tomorrow still for me}. And OH MY GOD, I have so much to do tomorrow/today, I can�t think straight!

1. Finish cleaning bathroom
2. Finish cleaning Bedroom
3. Hell, finish cleaning entire house
4. Get inspected by Fire/Safety and Health/Sanitation
5. Go grocery shopping
6. Move computer into office
7. Go pick up new Sound System
8. Install new Sound System
9. Go buy Friends Season 8
10. Watch nothing but Friends all the rest of the day!

BUT - I�m in a hell of a lot of pain right now. When I was in the ER for my shoulder, they gave me some sort of shot in the ass. Now, my ass, my leg, my lower back, and everything in the area is in freaking pain. This pain is now worse than my damned shoulder pain. What the fuck? I could barely do my cleaning today. I laid around the house until almost 4:00 PM and then said fuck the pain, I have to do my housework. God damn I hate it when this happens to me. It�s always when I have something really important going on that I come down ill or get hurt and feel like total shit and can�t do shit! Damn it to hell!

On a lighter note, I just finished up a term in College, and I am so happy to be getting a one week break. The way my college works is that I go for 10 weeks straight. Each 10 weeks is a Term and the Term is broken down into two 5 week sessions. For each 5 week session we have 2 classes during them. So in total we finish up 4 courses during a Term which is 10 weeks. It is not as complicated as it may sound. However, it is as overwhelming as it may sound. Usually each week, I have three assignments per class to complete. So, I have a total of six assignments to complete each week, three for each class. They are all due by Saturday at Midnight of that week. Then on Sunday we start a new Unit in each class, and a new week, with a new set of assignments due. And these assignments aren�t very simple, nor are they quick and easy to do. Most of them require a lot of research, and then a lot of writing which turns out to be in essay form. And, for each week, we have a set amount of pages or units to read in our text books. All of this is done ONLINE. We also have classes which are chat sessions in chat rooms each week, but I never go to them because they are not required. I just read the archives. Anywho, I am glad to announce that I just finished up Business Finance and English Composition, which I took for an elective credit, and now wish I had never took! I love writing, but this class and teacher was bullshit. OH DEAR, I am not going to go into this rant right now, I will stop myself before I go any further. Point is, I am glad to be done with a Term and have a week off. I have to get ready for my Home Childcare business to open up. This week I will go through all the pre-inspections (Yes, I said �PRE� don�t get me started) and finish up all my paperwork. Then next week I must go through the final inspections and finally get either approved for my liscnese or not approved. I am so ready to get this thing going, but it seems like it�s going to take forever to get going. Oh well, patience is a virtue, but I don�t have it!

Okay so on another note, I just joined this Diaryland site called �Pieces of You�. It is a site that offers inspirational subjects each week for members to write about. It is really neat. It�s like a fun writing challenge. FUN being the operative word here. My writing class was not fun, the writing was boring, but these topics are FUN! And I love a challenge. So, I�m gonna take a crack at doing these challenges. There is a list of all the topics since the site first started, so tonight I am posting my first writing for an old topic though. Hope you enjoy!

TOPIC: Defining Moment

Some people say there is one moment in their life that made them who they are today. Do you have a defining moment? Tell us about it.

I would have to say the defining moment in my life is much like the rest of the caring mother�s out there in the world. My defining moment would have to be the day I decided to keep my baby girl. Mind you, I was going to give her up for adoption when I was pregnant, NOT have an abortion, so that is what I mean by �keep� her. Anyway, that day was so special to me. It was the day I was to find out her birth.

I went for the Ultra-Sound with my baby�s daddy, now husband. I was so absolutely excited about this. Even though before the ultra sound I still was considering adoption. However, when they told me that I was having a baby girl, I just knew right then and there that I was keeping her. I knew that I was meant to have this baby, and I was meant to become a mother. I was not meant to go to traditional college, or be young and naive, but I was meant to give life to this baby.
The days following my Ultra-Sound were exciting as well. At first everyone did not like the idea of me having a baby and they were all pushing for adoption, however, when I showed them the picture of my baby, and I told them I was having a baby girl, they were all excited! When I said to everyone, �I�m going to have this baby and care for her forever�, everyone opened their minds to the fact that I was becoming a mother and a woman, not an adolescent anymore.

This was the turning point in my life and made me what I am today. When I started to gain the respect and approval from everyone that I valued important in my life, I started to change. I knew that what I was taking on wouldn�t be easy, but I also knew that determination and love would go very far in being a mother.

The days of my pregnancy were challenging and the birth was worse. The first months of my daughter�s life were hard too, but I had grown up. I was no longer a kid, I was a woman. And everyone in my life was starting to treat me this way, and I really liked it. Age became only a number and birthdays become unimportant to me. My daughter was all that mattered. Those days of deciding to take on the responsibility of being a mother changed my life forever, and I am so grateful for that. I know now that I would probably be lost in a gutter somewhere if it wasn�t for me giving birth and becoming a mother to my daughter. She has taught me responsibility, strength, maturity, and most of all LOVE.

So, first and foremost I am a mother, and that defining moment in my life is what made me the person I am today.

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