I am gonna bitch about peoples bitching

On Thursday, Dec. 16, 2004 @ 4:23 PM

Whoa, the day is already gone, and I just woke up 2 hours ago. That's right, I stayed up way to late again. My friend Randi and I did our grocery shopping together yesterday and our running around because it was payday and we were both out of food and things we needed. Around here, if your husband is an E4 or below, you live for the next payday when you can stock up on everything you need because you run out of money because military doesn't pay shit, and for some reason you always end up broke. Why don't we Air Force wives get a job one might ask? Well, because we live in a little itty bitty down in the middle of the mountains and desert and there are way too many people here and it is impossible to find a job. Even Wal-mart is over run with people looking and they have nothing available. ANYWAY, this is NOT what I wanted to discuss. I only have a few minutes to write up this essay because my new friend Randi is getting pinned tonight at her Mary Kay meeting, and I'm her guest. I'm really happy for her. She is so excited and proud that she has completed the training and what not for Mary Kay. I just worry that she might be overly excited about Mary Kay. I mean, like I said, most everyone around here is broke, and can't afford Mary Kay. I only have it because my Mom is a dealer, and I get it for free. Otherwise, I'd be using the cheap stuff at Wally World too.

Anyway, the reason for this entry...
I'm tired of people's bitching. Some people around me (physically not on line or anything) have life really well and have so many doors of opportunity opening up to them, but they still have something to bitch about it. I know now I am bitching about other people's bitching, but I can't help it. I'm sick of it. I know one couple that make way more money than my husband and I and all they do is bitch about being broke. But then I see them blowing thier money on things they DO NOT need instead of just chilling and having money. I hate that. And I know someone else that has a lifetime of opportunties coming thier way, but all they can do is complain about petty shit that will be coming along with thier journey. It is really starting to annoy me. I know people that i don't have life all that bad. I don't have to worry about rent and whether or not we will have a paycheck next week, and food in our mouths and what not, but I also know that we don't have it as good as these people around me have it and they complain like life is coming to a complete hault. The people around me that most annoy me are those that are stationed here and do NOT live that far from home. Like Oregon and Washington state. BUT OH MY GOD, they complain like they live 4000 miles away. OH it urks me! I live 2000 miles away from my home and my family. And I only see them maybe once a year now. I've gotten used to it though, I've been making the best out of my life here in Idaho and trying my hardest to make friends that I can trust and become close to, so that they can be my family away from home family, understand? SO, my point is, I want to stop hearing these people bitch. Now, I'm usually a really nice upbeat person, and I will take one's bithching and listen and try to be sympathetic and not be selfish, then offer my sympathy to these people. But lately, maybe because it's the holidays and I can't be with my own family and I know so many others that are going to be with thier family this Christmas, but lately, I just can't stand to hear it. That is why I'm glad to have Randi as my new friend. She understands where I am coming from. Although a lot of her family is here in Idaho and Oregon, she doesn't complain though. She feels bad for me, instead of complaining to me that she can't see them but maybe once or twice a month. I would be so grateful to see my family that much. Well, most of them, some of the family just drives me nuts and the more miles between us the better. But I am very close to my Mother and others in my family, and I miss them so much, espcially around this time of the year, so it urkes me to hear people complain about being only a few hours away from home. DAMNIT people, just open your eyes and see how good you have it!!!!! Okay, so I'm gonna calm down now. I hate being mean, and talking bad about poeple, because in some way, we are all in the same boat out here, but I only wish that people would see that thier boat is a little bit prettier and nicer than mine. I just had to ventilate about all this because it's driving me nuts. And I read some people's online journals and I feel so bad for them, because life is worse for them than it is for me, so I hate to complain about myself, just stating that for the record.

Well, now that that rant is over, I will hurry up and finish this up. I have to get ready for the meeting which I am looking forward to myself. Free food and door prizes hell yeah! I'm there! But also because I can mengle with adults and have a break from my Kailee. WHile I love her dearly, we all know that I need a break from time to time. Speaking of Kailee, I wish you people that read my journal could see her right about now. I don't know if anyone has seen these, but I have one of those fold up net laundry baskets. It goes in her room for her clothes, and right now she has ths thing over her entrire body and she is just sitting in it like it's a cage. It's so cute. I worry about her though, she excludes herself a lot. I fear that she may become like my hubby who is for the most part shy and unsociable. Anytime I pick her up from her babysitter, she is always playing alone by herself somewhere, and that makes me sad. I want her to be like me, a social butterfly not afraid of life and the fun things that are out there. But you know, I can only raise her to the best of my ability and hope I do a good job. That's the best I can do! Aww, my sweet Kailee! I love you!

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