It is just a short pick me up

On Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2005 @ 4:20 AM

Well, I hate short entries. But today has been awfully busy, and i'm about to head over to Randi's for some girl fun.

I feel like a totaly new person since the New Year! I feel my weight actually dropping, ( I think/hope anyway HA!) But my pants feel comfortable now instead of cutting me in half. So I feel like I'm making progress with the diet. I'm FINALLY done with all my part of the childcare licensing process!!! YAY! I will have my actual license in my hands on January 24th. So I will be taking my kids on the 25th. ALSO, the Mary Kay thing is starting up for me. I actually have two customers, and a booking for two facials! I NEED TO FOLLOW UP ON THOSE! DAMN, I forgot to do that today. And last but not least, I have been doing special things with Kailee lately. Makes me feel better as a mommie, but I see some slight improvments in her behavior. (FYI: Her behavior has been off the walls since my Mom left in early December). But this will all take time I know. Her and I are really butting heads lately, but I know it's just a phase, still sometimes it bothers me so when I have a bad day with her. OH WHAT TO DO??

But anyway, this has to be a short entry because I've got to get to Randi's! Have a good Tuesday everyone and don't forget to check back for my next entry, it will contain lots of inspiritational stuff I learned from my new Mentor at the seminar this past weekend! It can help anyone acheive thier goals no matter what they are doing in thier lives. SO CHECK BACK YOU HEAR?!?!

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