The Nasty Ick Crud

On Wednesday, Jan. 12, 2005 @ 11:02 PM

What I like to call, "The attack of the Nasty Ick Crud" has invaded my body. It hit extremely hard on Friday morning the day that I was to leave for my Mary Kay seminar. It didn't go away till Monday afternoon, but last night it crept back into my body. All night all I did was cough and sneeze and snot and have the yuck. While I don't feel as bad as I did before, I just still can't seem to shake the nasty ick crud. Note to Nasty Ick Crud: "Your visit in my body has lasted too long, and I did not really enjoy the time we had to spend together. If you wouldn't mind, please vacate the premises of my body ASAP so that I may get a good night's rest, wake up feeling great, complete my daily tasks and chores, feel like being a mother, and of course feel like making love to my husband."

Okay I know that I said I would be writing and inspirational entry, but I have been so busy, tired, sick and so I haven't felt like nor had the patience to write it just yet. But I will soon, so PLEASE check back to read it. It will be good.

Also, I usually don't read things from people's website and make them my own, so I would like to give AMBER the credit that she deserves for posting this really cute "special someone" survey that she posted today. I thought it was so cute that I wanted to do it for my hubby. Plus after the griping I did earlier in my last entry, I just felt like I should make sure that everyone knows that was just a gripe and not how I really feel. I really love him, and so I want him to know that! Hope you enjoy!


Your mood before seeing him: Well, we actually met two years before we started dating. But after he found out that I "liked" him, I was nervous before seeing him.

Where you first saw them: In Algebra class in the 10th grade

What you noticed first: Well I didn't like him at that time, but the first thing I noticed 2 years later in Government class when we were seniors was his hair. He used to have the sexiest hair.

What they noticed first: I think my hair, at least that is what he says, because my hair is so firey red. But if the truth be known it was probably my boobs.

Your first impression of them: He was sweet and affectionate.

Their first impression of you: Probably that I have big boobs, but I'm not really sure.

First thing they said in your presence: Gosh I don't remember that was forever ago. But the first thing he said on our first date was "hey".

Kind of person you thought they were: I thought he was really shy, but after he warmed up he was funny and sweet.

From 1-10 [10 being highest likelihood]: 9.0


First Hand-holding [where took place/who initiated it]: On our first date, we went to see the movie "Sixth Sense" and he initiated it during a scary part by grabbing my arm and then my hand.

First date [where took place/who initiated it]: He initiated it and we had originally planned to go to the county fair but both decided that he didn't want to so we went to Arby's for dinner (hey we were broke and in high school), then to a music store b/c we both share a passion for music, and then to see the "Sixth Sense"

First hug [where took place/who initiated it]: Our first hug in the Band Room of my high school. We had been hanging out after school and it was time for us to leave, this was before our first date but we had been talking on the phone for days, he said goodbye and I reached to hug him so I guess I initiated it.


Romantic: Our first Valentine's Day together we sat on a blanket outside his house in the front yard just talking and looking at the stars and such. He had lit candles and had a small dinner out there together.

Sweet: After a breakup he showed up at my house with a dozen Roses to beg me back

Life-altering: Had sex for the first time, moved in together, had a baby, got married, he joined the Air Force, we moved to Idaho, TAKE YOUR PICK!

Memorable: When I had our child (he was there)

Forgettable: our fights

Embarrassing: The first time I farted in front of him

Hilarious: When I put his wedding ring on the wrong finger during our wedding

Pointless: Whenever we turn the smallest disagreement into a full blown fight

Immature: When he pokes me in the armpit - that really pisses me the fuck off!

Mature: Raising our child together (HIM: He joined the Air Force so that he could go to college in order to help support us)


Horny: Definately Tommy - he's always wanting to do it. I get tired of sex after awhile, but I think the day he gets tired of sex, hell must have frozen over

Romantic: Definately me! Tommy doesn't understand what the word means I don't think, either that or he doesn't care anymore.

Sensitive: Me for sure. I get so upset if I say ANYTHING remotely to hurt his feelings, sometimes I think Tommy could care less.

Shy: Definately Tommy, I am such a social person, and he's NOT. He could't start up a conversation with a fly!

Attractive: I think he is, but I have a more attractive personality if that makes sense. Tommy looks good, but he doesn't have the personality to go with it because he's so shy.

Intelligent: I would have to say him. Sometimes I do the stupidest stuff. But Tommy has a lot of books smart where I only have common sense.

Spiritual: Neither. We're not real spiritual or religious.

Humorous: Tommy is pretty funny I think. When he's comfortable and in a good mood. But everyone tells me I act crazy and shit.

Messy: Tommy for sure. See my last entry!

Hyper: ME! I'm always hyper and acting crazy.

Confused: I think he's more confused then me


Song: There is so freaking many. But if I had to pinpoint it, I'd say "Crash" by Dave Matthew's Band b/c he sung that to me on our first date

Movie: Hell, I haven't a clue. I guess the Sixth Sense because it was our first date.

Saying/Quote: I don't really know about this one.

Friend: I don't have friends that remind me of him

Food: Cheeseburgers - because that is ALL he ever wants to eat when we go out to any type of resturant.

Drink: Coke I guess, or Cherry Coke, he loves both

Household Appliance: Oh Lord, there's not one, the man doesn't do any type of anything around the house

Book: Oh goodness, nothing

Kind of Dance: Not one

Season: Fall because that is when we started dating

Type of Tree: Not a clue

Flower: Nothing


Article of Clothing: I think I like his band t-shirts the best

Jewelry Item: His wedding band although he NEVER wears it because he can't wear it at his job

Physical Attribute: His hair, I love his hair, and his eyes, and he has really soft hands too, then there's the other parts, that we'll not talk about.

Favorite Band: We have almost the EXACT same taste in music. His favorite bands for the most part are my favorite bands. Tool, A Perfect Circle, Smashing Pumpkins, and many many many more.

Friend: Tommy doesn't have many friends, his Best Man that was in our wedding is okay, but I never see him b/c he's in the Army, so out of the friends that we currently talk to on a regular baisis, I'd have to say Chris because we see him like everyday and he's really sweet, and his wife is my best friend so that helps too!


Fart: Yep, but we're married!

Burp: Yep

Sleep: Yep

Pick Your Nose: I don't pick my nose, I blow it, but he picks his and it gets on my freaking nerves!

Eat: Yep

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