It is the faces in the Sand

On Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2005 @ 2:04 AM

There is quite a lot going on in my life, and in my mind. So bare with me while I write sort of a long and boring entry. But seriously people I need to ventilate before I explode.

Trogan Virus: 2nd Thought
First and foremost, it's been forever since I've updated and that has been due to ANOTHER computer problem. I'm calling this one "Attack of the Spyware, 2005". Seriously, I'm so sick of spyware, I'd like to take the person's brain that invented this idea and shove pictures in it every five seconds. But my good online friend walked me through some things last night, and sent me a $40.00 program that will help all that stop. So far much better, but not perfect yet. I think the problem is people getting on my computer and looking up stuff at websites that are not safe. Honestly I'm a very generous person and I never mind for people to get on my computer, but lately every night someone's over my house and asks if they can look on my computer. All those websites that come with attached garbage are starting to take a toll on my poor computer, and I just won't have it anymore. I'm laying down my law, until I get out of school, or until someone else starts paying my repair fees and DSL bill, then only I get on the computer unless I supervise their activity. I know that sounds awfully mean, but I can't help it. This computer was too expensive and so is school for me not to be able to do my homework because people keep fooling around and get bad things stuck on my computer.

So the Trojan Virus was actually attached to my computer. It was opening a portal type thing that was allowing all kinds of spyware and adware to come to me on my computer and attach to my computer. I fixed the problem I think. At least I hope anyhow.

Tax Returns
Well I finally talked to the IRS last week. The reason my tax return is being held up is because of a screw up at the State of Tennessee's government offices. SO SHOCKING! (Catch that sarcasim) Anyway, back when I was 20, a single mother, and just laid off a very good paying job, I applied for food stamps and recieved them for two months. However, when I started recieving Unemployment benefits, the state failed to compute that or something. Bottom line is, the state over paid me, but it wasn't my fault. But no matter who's fault it was, I was still overpaid in food stamps and therefore they want thier money back. They are taking it out of my taxes. It's only like 300 dollars, but it's holding up our check until the end of Febrary. Which is very unfortunate. As I explained before, we paid off some bills, and spent our last paycheck becuase we expected our tax return check the very next day. We are suffering now. We are a week from payday, without much food, and only have a few dollars left in the bank. My husband's sqadron will help us with food, but my husband is a little too ashamed I think to take advantage of this. However, he did say he would think about it and make up his mind in the morning. So we'll see.

Home Daycare
My home daycare is set to open Thursday. However, I'm afraid that I will not be able to because of the lack of food and money. The deal with my home daycare is I provide the food and cook homecooked meals. NO problem really. But I can't afford the food this time. Even though I get paid back by the government for the meals in which I serve the children. But I can't afford it out of pocket at this point. Who knows what I'll do. I have scheduled two kids on Friday. But I don't know if I can even open. We'll just have to wait it out and see.

Mary Kay
Well, Mary Kay seems to be the only good thing that's going on in my life. Although I have put it on the back burner. Last Wednesday I had my first appointment and sold over $60.00 of products. That's a really good first sale. Then Thrusday I was pinned, there is an actual ceremony and everything. It was really nice and I am really excited to be doing this. But it is going to have to take a back seat to everything else.

6 Days Late
The other big big news is that as of Sunday I was six days late for my monthly visit from Aunt Flo. I was freaking out. While plans for more children are in our future, we are just not ready at this point. I was freaking out. I want to be more settled by the time I have another. Then yesterday morning, my visit arrived. I was relieved. But I hate this day. It's the worse day of the whole thing, and it's the only day out of the month that I'm allowed to sit on my tale end, watch T.V. and eat chocolate, while the husband takes care of the kid. Well, that didn't happen. The husband is part of a base exercise the Air Force is doing, and tonight while on the job he got really sick and ended up in the ER. He's piled up in bed right now. And I didn't get a moments rest all day. Oh well. I'll be better tomorrow.

So, with all that going on, could I possibly say anymore. YES actually. But I'll save all that for another day. Life isn't all that bad. We just need to get paid, and everything will be much better for me. I am supposed to recieve my Mary Kay bag tomorrow as well. So next weekend I have lots of appointments to make. But this week it's school work and Daycare! YAY FOR ME!

Well I wish the best for everyone else's week, and mine too.

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