Freaking cold

On Saturday, Feb. 05, 2005 @ 5:52 PM

Brrr, it�s freaking freezing in my house. I hate our air unit. I totally sucks. Sometimes the heat will run for freaking ever, and I�ll wake up and the temp will be like 85 in here. Other times it will not run at all and it�ll be freezing in here. Stupid high tech machinery. But my feet are like ice, and I�m shivering, and it probably doesn�t help that I�m sitting here with a towel on my head and wet hair.

I just took the best shower. I love taking long hot showers. I just lay in the tub, on my bath pillow that I got at the dollar store for a buck, (best dollar I ever spent) and let the warm water run all over me. It�s so relaxing. A lot of times that is the only serenity I get in a day.

Anyway, I was just breaking from a long homework session. I should get back to work. I have much more to read and write before 11:00 PM my time. This is the time all my assignments are due, and because this is the last day of class, I will not be able to submit them late. But I�ve been working. I just wish that I didn�t procrastinate and I would have gotten them done earlier in the week. Oh well, my fault, my consequences.

My husband actually felt up to going to Wal-mart for me. But this is a scary thing. He won�t get exactly what I asked for, he�ll buy something totally off the wall. But I guess it�s the thought that counts. The fact that he actually said he�d go to Wal-mart is just amazing. He usually never goes.

Well, I have not much to write about. I�ll try to think of something better later.

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