Bowling for Kailee

On Saturday, Feb. 05, 2005 @ 3:00 AM

Oh Lord. I�m an awful big nerd. I found this quiz banner on Art�s journal. I thought it would be funny to find out what kind of nerd I am. Turns out, I�m a pretty big nerd. Only 24% of others scored higher in nerdiness than myself. How sad.

I am nerdier than 76% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

In other news, I�m still working on homework. I�m about a little UNDER halfway done now. Damn I just want to be done with this shit. After tomorrow, I have only one more term, five weeks is a term at my online school, and during that term, instead of 2 classes, I only have ONE! Whooo hooo! I�m so happy, I�ll be graduating, receiving my degree in Business Management, in only one month and one week! YAY FOR ME!

Oh goodness, I need a cigarette. Ha!

Anyway, I finally got some sleep earlier today while Kailee was napping. Then I felt awful, because she didn�t get up till almost 6:00 PM, therefore I slept that long too. HA! So I�ll be up for a little while longer.

My good friend, Randi, her brother, myself, and my husband, all took Kailee out bowling tonight at the base bowling alley. It really sucked! HAHA! The bowling alley is so small, and there isn�t music or anything. There is a small snack bar where you can buy food and some alcoholic beverages if you so desire, but it�s so lame, I would be so depressed drinking in there. Honestly, did we have to get sent to such a suck ass Base? Why Lord? Or why Department of Defense did you do this to us?

On another note though, Kailee had a blast. She was really excited to just THROW the ball down the lane and watch it at 1.4 MPH roll to the pins. Literally it was only 1.4 MPH, they showed that on the screen. She actually bowled a good game, 63 I think was her score. My highest score was 163! HA! How funny is that? I kicked some ass. I won all the games, and I found that funny because I never win, and I really suck at bowling. Hmmph!

Lastly, Randi was supposed to be coming over here tonight afterwards, she hasn�t been over my house in ages, due to us being ill, and her hubby leaving this week for deployment. However, she still did NOT come. She was supposed to call me, and didn�t. I called a little bit ago, and she was asleep. I'm dissapointed. I need some adult company besides my hubby who is sucked into his video game. She promised to help me make cupcakes. I hate making them, but need to. Oh well. Another day I guess.

Okay, well my break from homework is over. I have to get back to writing about the ethics of business now. Oh joy what fun�

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