Grass is always Greener

On Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2005 @ 12:04 PM

Well...hmm..where do I begin on how things went?

First, if you didn't catch my journal yesterday before I edited it, then I will recap very breifly and quickly..

I was a little bit upset with one of my friends, and I had ranted about it here, after ranting, I decided the best course of action was to talk to her calmly and maturely and honestly say how I was feeling. Which was I felt like she was taking advantage of me, and only wanted me when she needed me.

So, how did that go? Well, on the way to Wal-mart, because we always seem to have to go there on payday, I started the conversation that I wanted to have with her. Because I'm not one to beat around the bush, I just stated my problem. I told her that I value her friendship, and that I really needed her to understand where I was coming from. I told her most all of the things that were bothering me, and that I needed her to not always feel that I should be responsible for her 24 hours a day. I'm pretty sure she understood, and got my point. She didn't seem upset by what I was saying, but she did fall all over herself telling me she was sorry. I hope things just get better from here. I know how hard it must be on her to be away from her husband, but I just can't be the one to make up for all of that. She was really cool about it, and seemed to be really sorry, so I'll just see how things go. If things don't get better, then I'll know. But I don't like to give up easily, so I'll just see how it goes.

Now, I must say that I'm in a lot of pain. Last night, or actually yesterday, I started having these really sharp pains in my abdomen area, where I think my ovaries would be. The pains were just spuratic at first, but they got to be worse and worse as the night went on. My husband almost demanded I go to the ER, but I wouldn't do it. All they do there is give you some pain pills and say go home and rest. They don't actually find out what is wrong. So I say if I'm not better by tomorrow morning, I'll call my doctor's clinic and schedule an appointment.

And the husband was so sweet to me today. He brought me some food this morning so I didn't have to cook for Kailee and me. He was very understanding that I was in a lot of pain. I really appreciate that. He says "Just do what you can handle with cleaning the house today." And that's versus, "I want the house clean when I get home, or I'll be pissed!" HA! So, I appreciate it a lot when he's sweet and understanding about it.

Now, what is up with fast food resturants? He goes to Burger King to get me a grilled chicken sandwhich, and I ask him for it plain. Well, it ends up having all kinds of nastiness on it, including Mayo, which I hate. So, I had to spoon, no shovel, off the pound of Mayo they loaded onto my sandwhich. Gross!

Okay, so something else interesting. I'm coming up on my 100th entry. I'll try to celebrate or something on here for it! I can't believe I've been writing in this journal so long that I know have almost 100 entries! That blows my mind! Also, my counter is almost at 3000 visiters. I know that might not seem like a lot to some, but it is to me! YAY! It makes me feel special. I love Diaryland, and all the great people I read about and have met here. It's so awesome! Thanks to all my readers.

Well, now I must get to doing smoething productive. I only have like an hour before I have to leave to run, yet again, more errands! Yuck!

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