Italy Just Keeps Looking Better and Better

On Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2005 @ 9:49 AM

Happy Tuesday!

Just found that picture, thought I'd share it. I love Monster's Inc. as does my child. Too funny huh?

Quote of the Day:"Anyone who uses the phrase 'easy as taking candy from a baby' has never tried taking candy from a baby."Author Unknown

Well, what a weekend. Actually it was just a weekend. Boring and what not. Because, ya know, we don't have the money to really go out. So bla, that's how the rest of my weekend was.

Yesterday the husband was outta work because of President's Day. I love the military. Every single little holiday there is out there, the husband gets off work for it. So yesterday we were really lazy. I actually stayed in my pajamas till about 5:00 in the evening.

So, I did some research about the base we would be stationed at in Italy, if we get sent there.

1. The base is located at the base of the Italian Alps Mountains. - Can I just say, OH MY GOD! Ever since the seventh grade, when in history we had to do a project about a place we'd like to go visit. It was a research type project where we had to research a country or place we wanted to go to. I chose Europe, and the countries I chose were France, Italy, and Switzerland. And one thing I learned about that I have always wanted to see was the Alps in Europe. SO WOW! And OH MY GOD! I'd be living at the bottom of that mountain range! WOW.

2. The base is located about 1 hour from VENICE,Italy! Holy freaking cow. Venice. I've always wanted to go there too. I've always wanted to see the art that is there, and the Vatican. WOW! Holy cow!

3. The base is located only one hour from the Itailian Medittarian Beaches! Ummm, excuse me while I jump up and down! Okay, the most beautiful mountains in the world, then Venice, but the beaches! HOLY SHIT! I'd be living only an hour from BEACHES! Holy cow!

There are other things too. The closest town to the base is a small Itialian Villa, and because there is no base housing, this is where we would live, in a nice little Itialian Villa! How cute! How exciting! How fun! WOW! This would totally be like living in my paradise. I would love it. Absolutely love love love it! It would just be wonderful to be able to see all this and live there for a few years. WOW! So exciting!

Obviously, I said before, I wouldn't get my hopes up, and it looks like I have sort of. But it was hard not to. ITALY!?!? Holy freaking cow. So yea, I'm somewhat really excited and hoping now that we get those orders to Italy. But it's the military and anything could happen. So, I have decided I'm doing no more research on Italy until we find out if we got the orders or not. This way I won't find something else out that gets me all worked up. So, I'm gonna stay calm till we know, that's right, stay calm. Ha! Never gonna happen.

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