Blah Blah Blah

On Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2005 @ 11:21 AM

Ugh, it's Wednesday
This is me...

Quote of the Day
"An intelligence test sometimes shows a man how smart he would have been not to have taken it."
Laurence J. Peter (1919 - 1988)

So, I'm really tired for some reason. I'm not motivated to do anything. I have some phone calls I need to make, and other things I need to do, but I just don't wanna. I didn't even roll out bed till 10:00 AM this morning. Ugh, I'm just tired.

Last night I had a Childcare Provider meeting for me and all the ladies that are doing the same thing as I do, keeping children in their homes. It was okay. I felt really left out. One, I only have 1 child, who has not even started yet, and so my advice wasn't taken very seriously. Also, I guess it's just because I'm new, but no one really talked to me. However, I know some of these girls. Whatever, stuck up people make me sick. Get the stick outta your butt, you're not better than everyone else. Plus, this isn't a clique, it's a freaking Childcare Program, who cares what you dress like, look like, and how your hair is, or how long you've been doing it. I sure as hell don't. I only go to the meetings to better myself as a provider. See, this is the type of stuff that urks me about the people around here. We're all the same. We all make the same amount of money, some less than others, we all know what you make too! HA! That's just the thing about the Military, there is a standard pay grade scale, and EVERYONE knows what EVERYONE else makes. So you're not better than me you stuck up ladies. Get over yourself. I guess the thing that pissed me off the most was that when the meeting was over, I had to get a High Chair and everyone just walked out, without saying goodbye, and didn't even offer to help me. They even could see me struggling to carry the damn thing to my car, but they couldn't offer to help. Whatever, lets see how much I participate in your program events. Don't call me to help make cupcakes or brownies for the next gathering, because I won't do it.

Sorry, I'm just a little peeved. Where I come from in the south, people are just naturally nice and generous and for the most part not stuck up. And up here, the people just act like you're a peice of road trash when they meet you. Oh well, like I said, whatever. I was glad to get the information I needed and get the hell out of there. I'll continue to go to the meetings because there is important information that we get that will help us with our program, but other than that, I could care less about getting in the "Childcare provider clique".

Okay done now ranting about bull. And there is not really much else for me to talk about. Guess I'm just negative today. Probably because I'm so tired, and I have this migraine that just won't go away, and then I also hurt my back carrying that damned high chair by myself. So I'm negative today, and I don't wanna be, but I just am. I think I'm gonna go take a shower, and clean the house. For some reason those two things always make me in a better mood. Then I'm gonna take my daughter out for a walk around the base, it's nice weather here for a change. A light jacket will do, and it's sunny. She'll enjoy walking around. Then we'll come home and make pretty flowers out of construction paper to hang on my dining room walls so that we can inform our visitors that the current time of the year is Spring time. (I say this because every time there is a holiday we make something for it, and I hang up the arts and crafts as if I have to inform everyone that it's Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, etc.) But I think just spending time with her will cheer me up. So here I go off to my shower that is awaiting me. Enjoy your Wednesday, hope you're in a better mood than me.

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