Just a Thursday

On Thursday, Feb. 24, 2005 @ 9:39 AM

Good Morning and Good Thursday to everyone:
Quote of the Day
Smoking is one of the leading causes of statistics.
Fletcher Knebel

Well, another day and I'm still really tired. I'm getting enough sleep, I don't know what the deal is.

I don't have long to write today, I have a parent coming at or around 11:00 to meet me. I might start keeping her child in June.

At first when I opened, no kids for like ever. Now all of a sudden I'm full. I have a full house of children starting on Monday and the calls keep coming in. And I hate to turn people away, but I can only have 4 kids. So, oh well.

Nothing exciting is going on right now. Tonight I'll have my Mary Kay meeting which I'm looking forward to so I can get out of the house and enjoy myself. Tomorrow I sit here doing homework all freaking day till my eyes swell up in tears because they hurt, and my brain feels like it's gonna explode. I'll be so happy when I graduate. Saturday, well nothing is planned, and we're broke, so another boring weekend. Then Sunday I have a Mary Kay party to do for a friend, and I'm just praying that people buy stuff and it turns out to be good. Who knows what will happen, and right now I don't too much care.

I'm really tired. Kailee would NOT go to sleep last night. I think she was up until almost 2:00AM. She's still sleeping, and I have to be up getting ready for a parent. How is this fair? She gets to sleep in and I have to be awake. And I'm exhausted because she kept me awake all night. Another joy of Motherhood.

Well, I need to get going finally, hope everyone has a wonderful day.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UPDATE @2:24 So I've come to the assumption that people like to piss me off when I'm already not in the best of moods. First, today I make some phone calls to some people that have been interested in my childcare. They TELL me that they will start thier child with me on Monday, "See ya Monday.", they say to me. I call the mother, just to follow up, and I think I caught her off guard...here's what happened..

I say:"Hi, Cathy, this is Amanda, and I was just making sure that Ella will still be starting on Monday around 7:00 AM, right?"
She says:"Oh, yea, um..well, we actually found someone that was closer to my husband's work on the base, so we're gonna go with her."
***Just a note, everywhere on base is within 5 minutes of everywhere. So, this sounds like bullshit to me..but read on please..**
I say:"Well, I can understand then..but I was really looking forward to getting Ella."
She says:"Well, this woman has another little baby, so Ella will have someone to play with."
I say:"Well I actually have another little girl that is coming too that is around her age, so maybe would you reconsider?."
She says:"Well, actually this woman is a little bit cheaper than what you charge."
**I AM THINKING: BINGO!!! THis is why she decided not to go with me.
I say:"Well, what is she charging you, maybe I can match it..."
SHE CUTS ME OFF MID SENTENCE AND SAYS RUDELY:"Listen, I'll have my husband call you, I'm too busy to talk."And immediately hangs up.

Okay, so see why I can't stand the people here? HOW RUDE WAS THAT? First of all, I caought her off guard, and she acted as if she wasn't even going to call me to let me know she had changed her mind. I understand if someone else is cheaper, that's all good, but when we really hit it off, and you said you really liked me, and then TELL me you're going with me, and I say I'll match someone else's price, then why are you going to be so fucking rude? I immmediately decided after the phone call that she could fuck off. If she was going to be shady, then I didn't need to deal with that kind of parent, she probably would be shady in paying me or what the hell ever.

I think the reason I'm mostly upset, is because I have had like 10 calls for childcare today, some calls for an infant, and I TURNED THEM AWAY BECAUSE I was expecting this little Ella to start on Monday! WTF??? The bitch could have called me sooner. She acted like she wasn't gonna call me at all. Oh dear, my head feels like it's going to explode!

So, I immediately looked at my CallerID, thank God for this little invention, got on the phone, and called those parents that needed childcare right back and told them I suddenly had a space come available. Boy am I lucky. I had two parent interviews at lunch, and I will have two more this afternoon at quitting time! SO THANK GOODNESS. Now, I need to pray to the Gods that I fill these spots, because I deserately need the money!

So I just had to rant on about that bullshit. I'm so very upset right now. What bitches! It's called common courtesy people, and the people up here need to fucking learn what that is!

So after that fiasco, and my two interviews with parents, I head over to the "Airman's Attic" this little thrift store thing for us poor military people that need stuff and everything is for free. I ended up with some cute stuff. I got some little plastic plates that I can use for the kids. I got some infant toys and some toddler toys that I was needing. I got a booster seat for the kitchen table that I also needed. I also found the cutest rocking horse, it's Playschool I think, plastic but padded with what looks like a cow. I don't know, Kailee loves it. BUT, what happened next to make me even more aggrivated on this stupid day that I've been having, really topped the cake.

First of all I must explain that I get horrible migraines. I've had them for years now. Don't know why, I've had the tests and the Catscans and the MRIs and nothing shows up. So anyway, I don't need help getting a headache, usually it comes naturally. Well, while I was digging through this basket of baby rattles and toys, I hear this squeal come from around the corner and echo throughout the entire building I was in! I mean this God aweful scream! From natural reaction, I jerk my head up really fast to look at my child, thinking that something was wrong with her, and as I did, I banged my head so freaking hard against the corner of this bookshelf! I mean OUCH!!! Then I hear the scream again, I check my child in the buggy, and she's fine. But I look further and there is this little boy, like 3 or 4 just standing there screaming with a smile on his face. The Mother of course was nowhere in sight. Well, as if me hitting my head so hard I thought it was fall off wasn't enough, the kid keeps on screaming. Still no Mother. I get so frustrated I just freaking left. The screaming and the hitting my head was enough for me. My head was pounding. And the Mother of the kid, still nowhere when I walked out the door. So, why the hell would you first let your 3 year old go off by himself, but next why would you let him scream like that? I mean is it just me, or don't you teach your child to only yell like that when SOMETHING IS WRONG! And I mean seriously, someone is trying to take you away, or you're bleading or busted your head open WRONG! I dunno, maybe I'm just crabby, but SHIT!

Well, this became much longer than I intended, so sorry folks. I hope you have a better day than me, and a better night as well. I'm going to my Mary Kay meeting, which I just can't wait for! Toodles.

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