Just a lot of stuff

On Tuesday, Mar. 01, 2005 @ 11:27 PM

Quote of the Day:
A human being has a natural desire to have more of a good thing than he needs.
Mark Twain


Alright, well I've been outta the loop for a few days. I didn't mean for this to happen, I just really haven't had the time nor energy to sit here at my computer. I have been EXHAUSTED! Absolutely exhausted beyond belief.

Friday was nothing special. I went to a Pampered Chef party. It was actually fun. But I think that's soley because it was at my newly made friend Stacy's house. SHE IS GREAT! She is 33, however, she's awesome. She hasd 2 kids, and does childcare the same as me. (By the way, I will talk about my childcare in a moment) She is so fun to be around, loud, crazy, redhead, irish, just like me! HA! So anyway, went to her house for that on Friday and actually found a couple of things I needed, and spent $20.00.

Saturday royally sucked most of the day. I stayed up too late with the husband the night before, so we slept in and I got a late start on my day. I wasn't feeling well at all. I was supposed to go to Oregon with Randi, but because I felt I needed time away from her, and I wasn't feeling well because of my monthly visit from Mother Nature, I decided to skip the whole thing. I instead, took a walk with my husband and Kailee, then took her to the playground to play. Then came home and cleaned up the house and then did some homework. As I was just about to lay on the couch with my husband and relax, at about 9:00PM I get a phone call from Stacy. She asks if I wanted to go out, after talking with the husband, who says sure, I say yes, and at 9:30PM she picks me up.

We go over to a friend of Stacy's house where there was just girls. And all I could think of was finally I have met some girls that are down to earth around here. I ended up getting so drunk! REALLY DRUNK! Thank goodness I wasn't driving. And neither was Stacy who was really drunk too. A lot happened, and I haven't a lot of time to talk about it, but to make it short, we drank a lot, and danced a lot. It was faboluous! Just what I needed to, because just before Stacy calls me, I look to my husband and say, "I really need a break from everything, and sorry to say this, but that means you and Kailee too." He says he understands, and right then the phone rang. It was so much freaking fun.

Then comes Sunday. Sunday wasn't so bad. I had my first Mary Kay show. I did a collection preview with my director. It wasn't the turn out we had hoped for, but it wasn't all that bad. I was just really tired and maybe a little hungover too. But mostly really freaking tired. AND SORE FROM DANCING! DAMN! But afterwards I came home and rested and then went to bed.

And holy cow did Monday arrive. Monday (yesterday) I opened my daycare for the first day with a full house of kids. I started with a 16 month old. Then a 22 month old. Then a 3 year old little boy, and of course Kailee too, who is 3. It wasn't bad at all until my Childcare director walks in to do a surprise inspection. WHOO HOO! No really, it was bad. I was no where near prepared for it. And every time I turned around, I had the 16 month old climbing my furniture. The 22 month old would get sad and cry when I walked away. The 3 year old boy was locking himself in the bathroom, and Kailee was bossing everyone around like she was a Goddess or something. It was craziness in here! Then I had to prepare lunch. And my two younger ones were afraid of the water so they wouldn't wash thier hands. Kailee was trying to make her own plate, then fix her own milk, and she spilled it everywhere. And the 3 year old boy wouldn't touch his food! It was nuts. Finally the childcare woman left. Thank God, I'm sure I got a low score on my inspection, but oh well, I was having a crazy day. By the end of the day, I was so freaking happy. I had some errands to run, and then I rushed home to get to bed. I was so releived when my head hit my pillow, I don't even remember falling asleep. I slept so freaking good, till my husband left for work, and I had to do it all over again today.

Today was almost as crazy as yesterday. Minus one kid, it wasn't so bad. But I had to go to Stacy's house and sub for her while she went to an appointment. At her house I took over a 2 year old, 4 year old and a 6 year old, plus my 3 year old boy, and Kailee. Not so bad until the 3 year old started puking all over the bathroom. Then it turned into chaos. My Kailee was climbing on the kitchen table and wouldn't stop. The 2 year old decided to climb the kitchen counter, and the 4 year old just sat there in fright I think. All the while, I have this 3 year old that won't stop puking! I finally got his mother on the phone and she came to get him, then things settled. When Stacy's kids were all gone, I left and came home, thank GOODNESS! I laid on the couch till the hubby got home from work and I was free to go do the grocery shopping.

So that was pretty much it. Not too exciting, but it was a fun weekend. I was gone most of it. My husband, the wonderful sweetie he is, was stuck with Kailee for four nights in a row. He did good. Bless him. But it will be a while before I get drunk again. I don't want to have to do another Mary Kay show hungover again. Well, it will at least be until St. Patrick's Day before I get drunk again, I have to that day, it's my holiday, me being Irish and all. So, some of you have asked about the ring I would win in Mary Kay, and here it is...

Yes, it's pretty and pink, and usually not something I would want, but it's me! I like it. And I will win that within a couple of weeks, whoo hoo! Oh yea, it's like the ring that Ben Affleck gave Jennifer Lopez for thier engagement. So what. Fuck her, I like the ring.

Well, I can't believe my eyes are still open. I have to get up soon for the little ones that will herd into my house and take it over like we took over Iraq. It's craziness I tell you, nuts! Enjoy your Tuesday, and be glad you didn't decide to take care of kids in your home.

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