Eye scratches

On Thursday, Mar. 03, 2005 @ 10:57 PM

�You have to know how to accept rejection and reject acceptance.�
Ray Bradbury

�The first time I see a jogger smiling, I'll consider it.�
Joan Rivers


Okay, it�s been forever since I�ve been able to update. Busy, and tired. That has been me. And a little stressed. I don�t even remember what I talked about last, and right now I�m too tired to read over my last entry, so I�ll just begin with yesterday.

I bought my baby Kailee a new softball and bat from Wal-mart the other day. You know the cheap ones for like $2.00. The baseball is wrapped in this hard plastic shit. The stuff is dangerous I tell you. Keep your little ones away from it. So, she�s wanting to play with it outside yesterday morning and she�s holding the thing. I haven�t yet opened it. So I tell her let me have it so I can open it. I reach for it and she jerks away, misjudging the distance it is from her eye, and pokes herself in the eyeball with the hard plastic stuff holding the ball to the bat part. SO, she starts screaming bloody murder like her damn head just got chopped off. She will NOT let me hold her, touch her, or even talk to her. She actually told me to get away from her, she must have been hurting bad. She wouldn�t let me see her eye. I couldn�t tell if it was bleeding or what. So I call my husband who has our only means of transportation to tell him I�m not sure what to do. He is real weird about eye stuff, so he hears me say �poked her eye� and he rushes home. He insists that we take her to the ER because eye stuff could be serious. Luckily we did. She needed to be seen right away because she scratched her entire cornea all the way across. It was really awful looking. So, they send us home with some ointment, which was hell putting in her eye last night. Then they tell us to follow up with the eye clinic. So we head over there this morning and the eye doctor says that the cut is healing very well. No permanent damage. WHEW! Thank GOD! BUT � he says he�s concerned about her vision. It seemed to him that she can�t see that well up close. Maybe the reason why she misjudged the distance of the plastic dangerous piece of plastic yesterday. So on March 30th I have to take her in for a full eye exam. Let�s just hope the poor baby doesn�t have to grow up wearing glasses. That will suck. He also says she might have a lazy right eye, which could cause a little bit of vision problems. The eye moves, just not as quick as the other. Let�s just hope that all is well.

So yesterday was hard. I thought I�d be getting the day off because the child I have in daycare right now was sick and didn�t come. But I had to spend the day at the ER. Oh well. Today, I took the child that is sick back in my home, he was fine all day. Then he started puking around 3:30 this afternoon. Not good either. He was throwing up everywhere. Either he has something wrong, or his mother brought him back when he wasn�t well enough. Something, who knows. But I had to send him home, it�s against my rules that I have to follow to keep a child that is sick. So I had to do what I had to do.

Tonight was my Mary Kay meeting as well. I didn�t really wanna go, but I had to. I went and it lasted forever. And for some reason I get a major migraine at every damn meeting. I think it�s the lighting in that building. Something, who knows, but it�s driving me up the wall. Every week I leave that place with a major migraine. But it was nice to get out of the house and away from everything for a while. Now I�m here. That�s it, doing nothing. I�m about to pass out. I�m so freaking tired I can�t stand it anymore. And I�ll have to wake up early in the morning to take care of more kids. Ooh, how fun. I really didn�t know what I was getting into with this childcare business. But it�s good money and I can�t quit now. I�ve put so much into it.

So, have a good night, or good Friday depending on when you�re reading this.

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