Recap of My Last Week

On Monday, Mar. 21, 2005 @ 11:32 AM

Okay everyone, I�ve been wanting to write an entry all freaking week, but I�ve been so tired, so sick, and so busy of course. And just when I have the time to write an entry, Diaryland isn�t working! HA! Just my freaking luck. Oh well, I will just type it in Word for now, and then when D*land is all up and running, I�ll post it.

So, today, what is today? OH YEA RIGHT, today is my LAST day of classes at the great online school of American Intercontinental University! That�s right people, I AM D*O*N*E!!!!! Finished, complete, done, however you wanna put it, I�m done with college for a while! My graduation ceremonies are on April the 2nd, which will be a live web broadcast from the University, and get this�.NEIL ARMSTRONG will be the speaker! Awesomeness huh? I thought so.

So anyway, if today is my last day of class, that makes it SATURDAY! What a long week it has been for me. As you all know I headed down to Salt Lake City, land of beauty, for my first Mary Kay Career Conference. AND BOY WAS IT AWESOME! I promise to share with you lots of stories about all the wonderful people I met and successful, beautiful, wonderful, aspiring, RICH women I met! God are these woman fabulous! I even had my picture taken with my two favorites, I will post them soon.

So, my weekend down there was so great! I thought I�d be the only smoker on the whole trip, nope, turns out there was another girl that smokes, and she is 24 and we made friends quick! Us smokers have to do that ya know. And she was awesome. Her and I joked around the whole time, except when it was time to be serious of course. It was great fun. The suckiest part was my shoes. My cute high heels that I thought would be great for the occasion were a big mistake, so duh, my fault! But, I still looked cute, all that matters right?


Okay, so where does the end of my trip lead me? Well, I arrived back home and promptly scooped up my 3 year old baby, Kailee, and held her the entire night Sunday night. She had gotten sick while I was away. It just broke my heart that I wasn�t with her to comfort her. The worst part was everytime I talked to her on the phone she asked when I was coming home. She told me I could never leave again. My husband said she wanted to take a nap, so she got her blankies, her pillow, her babies, and then my picture off the bookcase and laid down with it. Awwwwww, how sweet! My husband said she slept with it the entire weekend. How sad is that? The first time I ever leave her for that long and she made me feel so bad about it! She is the sweetest thing ever. And trust me Kailee, I�m doing all this Mary Kay stuff for you baby. Anyway, so that is why on Sunday night when I returned I just laid on the couch and watched the stupidest cartoons with her in my arms. Then it became Monday.

Monday was hard. I was already completely exhausted from my long trip, but Monday I woke up feeling like pure asshole. I mean I was coming down with something. I immediately started taking all kinds of meds. But I only got worse. By the time all my kids left, I was almost dead. I was running a God awful temperature. And I slept and slept and slept, but still felt like shit.

So, Tuesday rolls along. I open my daycare thinking I�d get better, but I never did. I didn�t run a fever all day, so I kept my kids anyway although I was feeling downright icky. And Tuesday night I had another childcare meeting for the month. We planned our Easter stuff. The entire time I was feeling like ass and coughing and just couldn�t stop coughing. It was awful. Then I come home and I have to leave to head to Wal-mart because it was payday and of course we had no food in our house. So, when I get home, against my will, there was drama going on. Apparently my friend Randi was saying things to her husband that were making their way back to my husband and neither of our husband�s were happy about it. So, I found out the things she was saying were about me, and of course I was pissed that she was again bad mouthing me. Turns out most of the things said were a little exaggerated, but none the less, the husbands thought it best for us to have a �sit down�. HA! I just love using that term. Anyway, so I took Randi to Wal-mart the entire time being very nice and keeping my mouth shut about the whole deal even though I wanted to explode on her. When we got back, her husband was off from work finally and so we had this sit down. We talked out all the problems, but of course I got to speak my mind about how much I have helped her and her husband and helped take care of them. That every single time they call and need me to take them somewhere I always will do it without question. How I never ask for anything in return. How when I had pneumonia and was in the hospital with a temp of 103.9, I still managed to leave the hospital and take them to the store because they needed things. But I never complained about it because it didn�t bother me that much. But after the bad mouthing, and the cold shoulder I had been getting from Randi, and the jealousy vibe I was getting from her because I�m doing better in Mary Kay than she is, I just decided that I did care about all that, and it just wasn�t fair to treat me that way after all that I had done. After I was done with my rant, I left the room and went to smoke. I told them I just didn�t even care to be their friend anymore because I just didn�t need the shit anymore. I have my own family to care for, and I run two businesses out of my home and I�m in college and I just could care less about what their needs were because they could care less about what my needs were and I always put my needs on the back burner. Well, they followed me out to the garage and they apologized to me. My husband saw how upset I was about it and was totally shocked, he just didn�t see it before I don�t guess, or he just thought nothing bothered me because that was the way I appeared, but the truth is, it did bother me. Now I guess things are better, but they will never be the same, and that�s fine, because I have my own life I need to worry about, and it doesn�t involved taking care of them. So, after they left our house, I started throwing up and my fever had shot back up so I decided to close my daycare and get a day of rest. I was sick as hell that entire day and I slept most of it. Kailee still wasn�t feeling better either so we both just lounged around the house and was lazy. But then it was Thursday.

I decided since I didn�t have a fever anymore, that I would open. Well, I still felt like shit. My sinuses did this kick my ass thing. All day Thursday and Friday I was sneezing and coughing and blowing my nose. Thursday being St. Patrick�s Day was supposed to be fun since I am very Irish. But it just wasn�t fun. I was miserable. I went to my Mary Kay meeting feeling like hell, then I came home and promptly went to sleep, still feeling like hell. I didn�t even get drunk for my own personal holiday. Oh well, next year I guess.

Then Friday came. Thank God was all I had to say. My kids were all acting crazy like and it was just hectic the entire day. Not to mention I was still sick and everytime I blew my nose, I blew out some blood. My mother said my sinuses were so infected they were bleeding and that I had to snuff some salt water. I did, and I gagged and almost puked. It was horrid. I felt so bad I just wanted to cut off my nose and pull out all the snot and mucus and icky shit that was clogged up in there. Then last night I snuffed some more salt water then all I did was lay on the couch and watch cheesy television with my baby girl. Then we both passed out together with Randi�s husband and my husband in the garage playing music together. So this morning I woke up feeling much better thank the Lord.

So now it�s Saturday, about midnight now, so almost Sunday. Tomorrow I have my Pampered Chef party. I�m excited about that. Today I took Kailee to this Easter Carnival type thing. It was great fun. She really enjoyed those inflatable play things where the kids can jump and climb and stuff. She made Bunny Ears and a basket out of construction paper, painted an egg, which we broke, and she also got her face painted. She actually let the Easter Bunny hold her so I could take a picture, and she really enjoyed climbing the really tall slide and sliding down. I�ll post pictures as soon as I have them. Then it started to rain so there was no Easter Egg hunt, they just passed out eggs at the door as we left. But it was a lot of fun for her and it was actually fun for me to watch her enjoy herself. I was so happy for her.

SO that has been my week. God this entry will be way longer than I intended and if you�re still reading, here�s my THANKS to ya! So, I�m done with school, no more of that, and now I can concentrate harder on working my Mary Kay business and enjoying myself on the weekends instead of stressing about school. Yay, oh and the best part is of course, I HAVE MY COLLEGE DIPLOMA! YAY! Farewell everyone.

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