Mondays just Suck and screw this asshole in Florida who will not let his wife have a feeding tube

On Monday, Mar. 28, 2005 @ 9:33 PM

It's been a sucky day. A Monday. I didn't get much rest last night. Obviously. One of my kids is out sick though. So at least I only had three of the little rugrats today. However, one of them, 18 month old little boy, the dad dropped him off and said that he had been sick the night before but seem to be doing better this morning. Wrong. While he didn't run a fever all day, he was crabby and fussy and all he did was follow me around crying all day. So that didn't help my sleep deprived headache I had this morning. Kailee was on her high horse today as well. She thought she was the queen of the house or something and wouldn't stop all bossiness, yelling at me, defying me, and yelling at the other kids. Then, this afternoon, my monthly visit from my aunt flo came to town. It's already a week late, so you can imagine that I feel like total shit. Finally my kids were gone at like 5:30PM. Reminder: I close at 5:00PM, but I still had kids at 5:30. Why someone asked me, I said I wish I knew. I don't like to be mean, but I'm getting sick of my parents picking up later and later as the days go by. My time is my time and I don't have much of it, so it's precious to me. Something's gotta change. I'm writing them all a letter stating that if they don't start picking up on time, I'm gonna start charging late fees, I have become too relax with the situation. So after they all left, I sat down and flipped on the TV, I turned to CNN and they are talking about that poor woman in Florida whose ass hold husband has ordered her feeding tube removed. What a fucking prick. He's been with this other woman for 10 years, has two kids with her, but stays married to this poor woman for some unknown reason. Why? Why won't you just let her parents take over, divorce the woman, and go on with your fucking life you prick? What an asshole. If you haven't heard about this, go to, it's all they are talking about, I'm sure they will have it on there somewhere. I hate being so forward about the situation, but it just pisses me off that this guy won't let her having any water or food, it's going on 12 days now, and she will die soon. Both her husband's attorney and her family has stated that she is still alive, awake even. How fucked up is this? I mean, this guy must be getting something out of her if he's stayed married to her for over 10 years in this condition, has another family already, but just won't let her go. I don't get the whole thing, so I'm just gonna shut up now. So while watching that, Kailee fell asleep on the couch, as did I. Sucky because I have lots to do tonight. And now Kailee won't go to bed till really late. This really sucks.

I want to say a big Thank You to all those that commented on yesterday's entry. It was really nice of all of you to share your thoughts and feelings about my problem. Thanks to everyone for not lecturing me too. And I'm really glad to know that I'm not the only crazy parent out there. Well, we're probably not crazy, just a little off! Anyway, thanks everyone. I know it will get better in time, at least I hope so.

Well, I guess I'm off now to fold the mountain of clothes in my bedroom floor, and then hopefully the husband will be home so he can take over Kailee duty and I can get some much needed sleep. Good night everyone.

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