Stop waking up my kids

On Wednesday, Mar. 30, 2005 @ 2:35 PM

I can't talk long folks because get this...

My husband is back on the "Swing" shift, which means he works at night. Actually he works from 2:30 to 11:00 every night. Not a bad schedule actually except I DO IN HOME DAYCARE NOW! Monday wasn't bad. He didn't bother me at all, it was actually nice to have him around so I wasn't in kidland all day and my mind actually thought like an adults instaead of a 3 year olds all day. Anyway, yesterday was okay. Except he kept bugging me, and then right before he left for work, he woke up one of my kids, who cried and cried and ended up waking up all the rest of them! Damnit! Today wasn't bad either. Until just now, he just left for work, and guess what? He came to the door to give me back a child's carseat, however he rang the doorbell which woke up both babies I have! HELLO! What the hell were you thinking ringing the doorbell. Granted Naptime ends in like 20 minutes, but still, I take every MINUTE and SECOND of my quiet relaxing time that I can get while watching CNN on the couch! I mean hell! I don't get that much quiet time because even when the kids go home at the end of the day, I still have my OWN CHILD! Oh my God I'm so mad! I love my husband, but shit! And he's the one that is keeping me doing this. I would have quit last week if it wasn't for him telling me that the income is really helping and he wants me to keep on doing it! So if you want me to continue doing this, then you better RESPECT the rules while the freaking kids are here!

Okay, so I can't talk much longer. I really wanna clean up the kitchen before those babies start crying and wake up the two three year olds that actually slept today! Plus I have more paperwork to do and I was gonna search the internet for an art project. The hell with that now! Freaking husbands, can't live with them, can't live without them.

Oh yeah, last night was my Mary Kay awards ceremony! It was exciting! I got on stage reconigtion for some goals I acheived in my business! I was so excited! And the great thing was that it was fun, not really boring. Thank goodness! So it was really neat to be honored for achiving something in this company. That is what I like about my Mary Kay thing, there are rewards all around. I had a great time, but weird thing was, on the way there, I had to drive through a freaking Blizzard! I kid you not, the freaking snow was so bad! Not fun. But I made it in one peice thank God.

Okay gotta go now! Bye!

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