Rest in Peace Terri

On Thursday, Mar. 31, 2005 @ 1:02 PM

Picture of the Day

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Quote of the Day:

�Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.� --Unknown


I decided I wanted to get back to doing my quote and picture. Also, I might even add a news of the day thing. I get all kinds of emails and such from people that find news articles that are funny, stupid, shocking, or whatever, and why not pass that along as well? That might come in the future, or it might come today, depends on my mood when I finish writing about whatever. So I hope you enjoy the quote and picture of the day anyway.

So umm, I have great news. Yesterday I completed two skin care classes for Mary Kay. Both were successful. I sold over $200.00 worth of product in only two and a half hours. That�s actually really good. I was really happy.

I guess the next thing is that I�m so totally pissed at my parents of my children that I have in care. I know I have bitched before about how they do not pick their children up on time, and how ill this makes me. I know for a fact that two of them get off work around 4:00, however they NEVER pick them up until around five, or even later. Tuesday, I informed a parent that I needed his child picked up by 5:00 because I had somewhere to be at 5:30. He asks me why? That shouldn�t be his concern damnit! I close at 5:00PM! He never gets here until 5:20 or later. So I tell him why even though I didn�t want to, and he tells me okay he�ll try. Well he calls me at 4:00 and says he just had to run to the store real quick and he�d be on his way, but he didn�t show up until like 5:25! UGH! Then yesterday, I decide I�m gonna write all the parents a letter informing them of my contract policy and my closing times. I quote what it says in my contract, which every parent has to sign in order for me to take their child, and I explain to them in my letter that I do not keep kids after 5:00 PM. Hell I have to open at 6:00 AM! And I�m not a daycare, I need my time! I work 11 hour days for God�s sake! Anyway, in my nice letter, I state that I will start enforcing my rule about picking up your child when you are supposed to. Because while I take kids from 6:00 AM to 5:00 PM, each parent has agreed contracted hours, and I only have to keep their child from those times that we agreed upon. Like one parent drops off at 10:00 and picks up right at 5:00 and that is our agreed hours. Not before or after, unless she tells me ahead of time. So anyway, I state this in my letter to my parents and explain to them that they agree upon this when they signed my contract. And I tell the parents that if they don�t start picking up on time then I�m going to start charging overtime. They have ONE WEEK to adjust! Well, I sent this letter home with the kids yesterday. I also stated that I MUST have it signed and returned this morning! Well, three parents drop off, and NONE of them give me the signed paper! WTF? How could you be so irresponsible as a parent? I never in my life! I mean damnit! I�m not a daycare, and even daycares won�t put up with stuff. If you don�t pick up on time, they charge you late fees. Well that�s exactly what I�m doing, 1.00 per minute!

So anyway, I just had to vent a little bit of steam. Freaking people are getting on my nerves!

SO anyway, you�re probably wondering why I have the time to sit here and write this entry. Well because my kids are being so good! I actually should be cooking lunch right now, but I don�t have to today because I precooked a pot roast. So, in about 10 minutes we�ll sit down to eat and there is nothing more I have to do. It�s all ready. But really my kids are being great. So I thought I�d check my D-land real quick while I have a minute. Well, turns out, D-land won�t let me update my journal, so damn. I�ll save this for later. Right now it's like 11:45.

Alright the last thing of today is that I have to say something about that poor girl Terri in Florida. She finally died this morning. Starved to death. I mean that�s crazy. I felt so bad for her family. I know that she probably wouldn�t have survived. And that for years she�d been living as a vegetable, I think anyway. I think she�s better off now of course. But the screwed up thing is that her husband is an asshole. I hope something God awful happens to his ass. He�s been with another woman for 10 years! He�s engaged to her! He has TWO kids with her! But he wouldn�t just let the family take care of their daughter! I mean what an asshole! Not only that, her family wanted to be in the room with her this morning because they thought it was getting close to time for her to go. Well, he came to the hospital and said NO they couldn�t stay in her room because he wanted to be there! WHAT A JERK! Her poor parents couldn�t even say goodbye properly! JERK OFF! Then the next thing is her and her family are Catholic. And they don�t believe in cremation. Well guess what? He�s having her cremated! What a fucking jerk. Then, the family asks if she can be buried in Florida, well he says no, she�s going to be buried in Penn. Where he�s from! What is wrong with this asshole? He not only has another family, but he is taking her away from her family! I mean shit! What is his problem? It just really urks me. I feel so bad for her family. I know that they couldn�t have saved her, but he should at least let her have the funeral the burial that her family and her religion believed in! What a jerk. Anyway, I think she is in a better place now. Bless her heart.

Okay well I�m done bitching for the day. Sorry folks, just had to get some things out. Tomorrow is FRIDAY! All us childcare providers here on base are taking the children to the Zoo. Yay what fun! Actually I�m a little nervous taking two babies and two 3 year olds on this trip. But it will work fine I�m sure. So anyway, have a great rest of the day everyone, I gotta go because my kids are starting to get rowdy. BYE!

News of the Day:
Ozzy Osborne and wife Sharon's mansion in England cought fire last night. They escaped luckily with no injuries. Aww that sucks. Have you seen thier house. It's goregous!

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