10 Days until I leave to go home

On Wednesday, Apr. 20, 2005 @ 11:45 AM

Well, I thought I was tired yesterday, boy was I wrong.

Last night, very busy night. I had a childcare provider meeting, that lasted until 8:30. Ugh, I work all damned day, why schedule these meetings so damned late? Then I had to run to Wal-mart to get some lactose free milk for my screaming chubby baby. (For those who don't read everyday, this isn't my baby, she's a baby I keep) Anyway, so I finally rolled back on base at 10:50 and the husband calls on the cell phones (i hate cell phones) and tells me to just come by his shop to get him, he'll be out soon. Well I roll over there, about 11:00 and I wait....and I wait....and I wait. 11:25 comes about, and he's still in there.

I get pissy at this point because Kailee is NOT in a good mood and neither am I being so totally exhausted. Then, at 11:30 I call. He's not sure when he's getting out but he'll have no ride to the house if I leave him, so I have to wait...and I wait. FINALLY at about 11:45 he comes walking out....and he looks so cute too. In his uniform, all buff because he's been over working out lately, and I just forgot about being mad because his fucking supervisor wouldn't let him go home. He looked very nice. Okay enough of that.

So, then we come home, and I have a couple of things I HAD to do before going to bed. Kailee's bouncing off the walls because she's too tired and is beside herself. I finally get her to bed, and I'm just about to go to sleep when the husband walks back in the door from the gym. Well fuck it at that point, I knew he'd keep me up, and I'd get no sleep. So we crawled in bed together and we talked...and we talked...and talked some more...all the while he's holding me in his arms and rubbing my head. How very sweet is this? For the last two nights, he's held me while I fell asleep.

Now, I HAVE to point out something...my husband and I, we're not all lovey dovey anymore. We've been together since High School and the spark has come and gone, so when he does things like this with me, it's special. Makes me feel so great. So, I think I finally fell asleep around 2:45, and yep I was back up this morning at 5:45!

And that was last night, except there was this...

We went to Wal-mart and Kailee was so tired. So she fell asleep on the way there, and when we got there she was still tired, but she woke up. So this made her very grouchy and umm..let's see how to put it, BAD! Not all her fault, I mean she was exhausted, but she was acting out so badly. So when I went to check out I'd about had all I could handle. She starts whining really badly. And I kept telling her to calm down I was paying and we were leaving. The cashier was this older woman. And ugh, she wasn't very becoming either. She was also very rude because she didn't like the fact that I had to make TWO seperate purchases, well sorry bitch, I run TWO home businesses, and I need everything separated on a recipt, so sorry I made you do your job! Anyway, as I was getting out my ID for my cigarettes, Kailee did something, screamed, yelled, whined, acted like a kid, I don't know...but it wasn't bad enough for me to remember, but apparently it was bad enough for this fucking cashier old bitch lady to think SHE had a right to talk to my child...she said and I quote in a very very stern and mean voice..
"Alright, that's enough, you better hush it up right now, you're making your mother angry and you're making ME angry. SO hush it up right now young lady."

Okay what the fucking shit??? Who the hell did she think she was? I don't know her, she doesn't know me, never seen her before! Who the fuck was she to get onto MY CHILD!?!?! I replied with..
"Excuse me, I can handle this on my own, NOBODY speaks to my child that way. Now if you would please ring up my cigarettes so I can check out, I'd be happy to get the hell out of your way." -- and I was NOT very nice about this at all...
Then she replies like this...
"I'm sorry it's just that I can handle so much you know and she just wouldn't stop."

Okay, well bitch, it's not your concern, it's MINE. I then said to her that Kailee was very tired and it was taking HER (the cashier) forever to ring us up, and if she couldn't handle it then she needed to go work in Men's clothing or something.

What a bitch whore? Who was she. It's not her concern if my child is acting out, it's MINE! I'm her mother! NOT HER! NO ONE - and I MEAN NO ONE except very VERY close family can talk to my child that way. Only people like ME, her FATHER, my Mother, Grandmother, and Stepmother! I can count those people on one hand, and I'm sorry but they were no where around last night, so NOBODY should be talking to my child like that ever fucking agian. It almost makes me want to file a complaint against that bitch. OMG! So anyway, she finally finished checking me out, and I looked down at Kailee, and she was so sad. Her big eyes looked like droopy puppy eyes. I felt so bad for her that I picked her up and loved her to death. And as we were leaving I leaned over to Randi and made sure the cashier heard me say that I was NOT happy with the way she talked to Kailee. OMG, what a bitch whore.

Alright so I guess that's it. I have four kids today, which are ALL girls. How lucky do I get? (sarcasim) Don't get me wrong, the girls are sweet and good, but they argue and fight so bad. It's so funny though. So I'm off to get thier lunch on the table. Hope everyone has a good one!

OH YEA, 10 days till we go home!

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