More from Tennessee about Star Wars and this is a really long entry so brace yourself This is also a really long title for an entry HAHA

On Thursday, May. 19, 2005 @ 11:45 PM

Okay, it's been forever since I've had time to update, but I finally have a few minutes to sit here and take a go at talking about my crazy life here in Tennessee. I can't believe that we are already getting ready to head back home. It sucks. I can feel the intensity with everyone. Everyone is fighting over time with Kailee and I, and my Mom, bless her heart is on pins and needles. (This always hits her hard.) But anyway, I just have to be thankful for the time I've had here and make the best of the time I have left. Which is less than a week. Ugh.

So it's been a week since I've updated and that means a lot to write about, but that will prove to be a hard task since I'm using my Mom's laptop computer and I have a hard time for some reason typing on laptop keyboards. It's not that I don't like Laptops it's just that the keyboards are weird and it's a weird adjustment from a regular computer. Okay see, I'm losing my sanity. I just spent a paragraph writing about a freaking keyboard.

Speaking of sanity, I think I'm going insane. Ever since I've been here, I haven't spent many nights with Kailee. It's always been antoher family member that's had her. And I've been able to actually have nights to myself with my husband at his parents house and me at my Mother's fiancee's parents house, which is huge and I happen to have lots of privacy at. I can actually have a tub bath, relax, watch TV, even sleep past 8:00 AM! It's insane how much I've enjoyed my freedom. But I do find myself missing my Kailee's voice in the morning. And when I was asked if I would consider leaving her here in Tennessee, I was like "absolutely NO!" I only live for my Kailee, so there is no way I'm going anywhere without her, espcially across the country. So anyway, my sanity is in question, but at least I have found that I DO actually still love being a mother and I can't imagine living without my daughter. Next subject.

Since my last entry I've had quite some time. I went to a party with my Mom and her fiancee, and my husband, and since I didn't know many people there and I felt outta place, I just did what any other person would in that situation, got fucked up. I ended up really enjoying myself. Saturday I took my three sisters out for thier birthday celebration. Doing it all at once makes it fair to all of them. They are 13, 10, and 8 and that means they compete with each other and nothing is fair at that age, so I had to kill three birds with one stone and make it all fair. We went to Circus World which has a bowling alley, ice skating rink, laser tag, virtual rollercoasters and much more. We did everything but Ice Skating. And it was nice that my friend Amber actually came. We had a great time. Sunday was an early birthday celebration for Kailee wich was very fun, and all the kids had a blast. After the party we all went to ride Go Karts and play Put Put Golf. That was so much fun too, and my friend Amber came to all that as well. That made me feel really really good. She's changed a lot and so has her fiancee, I think we can actually all be friends now.

Monday I spent with my awesome Grandmother. Tuesday with Mom. Wednesday my husband and I went out to my Dad's and had dinner with him and my Stepmom, and my sisters. That was really fun too. We had a mini softball game in wich I was the cather and I am paying for that now, and then of course after that was....drumroll please.....

STAR WARS!!! HELL YEA!! Yes, I'm one of those Star Wars people. You wouldn't guess it about me, but I am. LOVE IT! Can't help it! I got really into it when I was around 12 but then I got deep into when I was round 17 when Episode 1 came out. I was so deep into it that I started reading every book and article about the movies. Obsessed much?! But anyway, I have been looking forward to this for years, so I was absoutely so pumped up for this. You would not tell by looking at me that I am a Star Wars freak. Like there are some poeple that you can look at and tell they are Star Wars freaks, but me you can't. But I still am a nerd and I know that. Anyhow, so the husband and I were one of those people that purchased the tickets weeks in advance and stood in line all night to get a good seat at the movie. We got to the mall, (theater is in the mall) around 9PM and the line was already forming good. We took a seat with everyone else waiting and read magazines and smoked in shifts till it was time.

Around 11:30PM they announced we could start filing in and we did. We actually ended up almost dead center in the theater, which was the IMAX theater and was awesome. After waiting forever and watching a thousand previews, the lights dimmed and the 20th Century Fox theme played and we all cheered and went crazy and it was time...

Then there was the theme song for the opening credits which fucking gave me chills, I don't know why. And then the movie....

Notice, if you don't want to know details of the movie, then please don't read the next few paragraphs, scroll down to where you see more bold print!

Okay I had to put that in there because I don't want to ruin the movie for people. Anyway, so I'm sure you just want me to get to the point and know what I thought. And I will attempt to write about the movie, my opinions and my thoughts on it and not look stupid and give the film and story justice. I hope I can anyhow. First I should say that I like the original triliogy alot but I have to admit that Episode 1 was what turned me on to obsess with Star Wars in the first place. I am more drawn to the new triliogy than the older ones and that is probably due to my age. **But I have to note that I hate the Jar Jar Binks character!!! Okay about the movie..

First and foremost I have to say that this is by far the BEST installment in the series. After years of reading and waiting to find out how and why everything comes to be as it did in Episodes 4,5,and6, I was really nervous about how Lucas would portray the events. I was so afraid I was going to be dissapointed as I was with the last Matrix movie (don't get me started on that one) BUT, I was so very well pleased with this movie. I could tell that Lucas put a lot of passion into making this film what he and the fans wanted it to be. It totally held up to my expectations. There were only two things that really bugged the hell outta me and I'll get to those.

The opening of the movie was awesome. After reading about what happened in the 10 years between the end of Episode 2 and the beginning of Episode 3 I would say that we were not left confused at all. But hang on to your seats because once the movies starts, it doesn't slow down at all. There were hardly any boring and dull moments as we found in the first two episodes. The movie started fast and got right to the point. I loved it. I was a little dissapointed with how quickly they killed off Count Dukoo though. (Okay so that adds a third complaint to my list.) Count Dukoo was a huge character in 2 and a huge character in the story but Lukas kills him off very quickly in 3 and doesn't really give the character as much justice as I thought he deserved. But I can understand that he probably had to for time reasons.

The next plot that I loved was Anikan's and Padame's. Of course I'm a girl and from my perspective I thought they played out their love story pretty well. But it was right to the punch with Padame getting pregnant. She even started showing pretty quickly.

The best thing about the story was of course the playing out of Anakin and him becoming Darth Vader. This, was very sad to me although I knew it was coming. I have to say that I was not dissapointed in how Hayden Christenson played out his becoming evil. And I was not dissapointed in how Lukas portrayed the story of why and how Anakin turns. It was awesome. It was just awesome. It answered all my questions and led right to what I wanted to know about the storyline. I was very pleased.

I was also very pleased with Obi-wan's character. And I think Ewan McGregor did an amazing job playing that part. Just amazing.

The next big thing that made me happy was the story of how all the Jedi were killed off. I was extremely pleased with how Lukas showed this. Of course I knew that Mace Windu was killed, but I didn't know that the Emperor, aka Palpatine, aka Darth Sidous killed him. I seriosuly thought it was Boba Fett that ended up killing him. (Which brings up another complaint, they did not show him at all in this movie, and he is actually and important part of the story.) But the fight between the Emperor and Mace was awesome especially since it was what in the end brought Anakin over to the Darkside. And once he was on the Darkside, he was gone. And this made me very sad. And this led to the killing of all the Jedi. The Emperor gave the order to the Storm Troopers, or clones, who then turned on the Jedi, and that was interesting to see, but sad all in the same. And even though it was disturbing, seeing Anakin walk up the Jedi Temple stairs with the Storm Troopers behind him, was pretty awesome.

And of course I have to mention the final duel with Anakin and Obi-wan. It was an aweosme battle scene which switches back and forth between them two and Yoda (who always kicks ass) and the Emperor. It was so fucking awesome. But one thing I didn't know was how Anakin pretty much becomes half man and half machine. It was a very disturbing scene in which I almost cried. And it explains why this movie had to be rated PG-13.

And then there was the ending. Which was a back and forth scene with Padame giving birth to Luke and Leia and Anakin being molded into his machine Darth Vader, and it was so cool to see that too. But this leads to my biggest complaint of the movie. Of course me being a female, this would be my biggest complaint. Padame dies during childbirth, but if I understand it correctly she isn't supposed to from the storylines. But that wasn't exactly said in the books either. So I'm not sure. But Leia does mention her in Return of the Jedi to Luke. Her faint memories of her mother. So this was weird to me. And it bothered me that there was a descripency in the storyline like that. But oh well, what ya gonna do? I still enjoyed the ending with The Emperor manipulating Anakin to think he killed Padame (which was the first thing he asked about after being turned into a machine which shows that he wasn't completely evil until the Emperor fucked him up more) and Padame giving birth and dying. It was very dramatic and I was very sad where I almost cried again. And then it all ends with Padame's funeral, Yoda leaving into Exile, Leia going to her new parents, Anakin/Vader looking out at the Death Star starting to be built with the Emperor, and Obi-wan taking Luke to his Uncle and his wife and Obi-wan leaving for Exile, and the neatest thing was how the final scene was, with Luke's uncle and wife holding him and watching the sunset in the exact spot where Luke watches the sunset in Episode 4 and then the credits roll. It was almost like George Lukas was saying to everyone, "alright now leave and go home and watch the rest of the trilogy because now you can in peace". It was great.

My last complaint was the storyline with the Wookies. Lukas didn't touch on Chewy and how he became to be with Han Solo at all. And I guess it's understandable again because of the time thing. But overall, I was so impressed with the movie, and I was so pleased with it that I think I don't care about the complaints that I do have. The movie went beyond my expectaitions by far.

Okay those that didn't want the movie ruined for you, now you can read

Well, now I guess I'm done. I was so happy with Star Wars that I just had to talk about it forever so if you're still reading I apologize for the huge entry. And thanks for reading so much of it.

OH YEA! One last final thing. I meant to mention the fact that last Thursday my husband and I went down to a local club to see Jimmy Chamberlin's band play. (Drummer for the Smashing Pumpkins, for which we are huge fans of). It was an aweosme show and we got to actually meet him and talk to him! So fucking cool. We also got his autograph and a picture with him. Of course I'll post those later when I'm back in Idaho at my own computer, along with bunches of other photos from our trip.

Well, I guess I'll wrap up this really long entry now. I still can't believe our time in Tennessee is almost up and we now have to return to sucky life in Idaho. Honestly it could be worse. I know that. But it really sucks there and I just can't wait till the husband moves out and we can return to normal life in Tennessee where I actually feel like I belong. Damn I love it here. I don't know when I'll be able to update again. I want to concentrate all my time on spending time with my family especially my Mom before I leave. And I am getting around to reading all my buddies' journals, so I promise I'll catch up on your lives ASAP. And also we'll be bringing our Nephew back with us, (my husband's sister's kid, that is 15). After much conversation and thinking we decided that we'd bring him back to spend the summer with us to give him a break from his parents and them from him. It's a long story that I'll talk about later. But anyway, I'm going to shut up now because I've been talking forever. Have a good one folks.

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