On Hiatus

On Thursday, Jun. 16, 2005 @ 8:58 AM

Well, I added that last entry, and I did some neat stuff using my Gold membership, however, the private entry thing didn't work, any advice would be nice! And, I added feilds at the bottome here, and those aren't working either. So hell, I don't know what to do!

But I thought I'd talk a bit real quick about what's all going on.

Going okay. I'm really tired today for some reason. I shouldn't be because I actually got 8 hours of sleep. But I think I actually need like 10 or something. I sucking down coffee like there's no tomorrow. Hey, there might not be you never know. Anyway and I only have two kids this morning, and that is helping. One of my older ones has something she's doing with the mom, and her little brother is here. The brother and sister leave for vacation this weekend and won't be back until after the 4th! So, next week I will only have the baby. And then he leaves for vacation, so the week after that I won't have kids at all! I get a break! Of course I didn't get paid for that break, but oh well. At least I get a break, right?

Mary Kay:
Well, Mary Kay is still on hiatus. I did take the month off, but since I won't have kids the last week of this month, I am going to work extra hard. I have decided that just because my director is a bitch, doesn't mean that I should let that stop me from doing what I want to do and what I have a passion for. Not only that there is a lot of other issues with it that I have. Another consultant took of my customers while I away on vacation. Now, this custmoer hadn't ordered from me yet, but that doesn't matter. The customer and I had been talking about getting together, she was a little skepitical about it because she had tried Mary Kay like four years ago and had a bad experience with the product. So I was coaxing her into trying it again. I gave her samples, and we set up an appointment. The customer stood me up for the appointment, and when I made contact with her again, she told me to call her when I returned from vacation. Well the consultant book and held a party with a girl, and my customer was a guest at this party. So, what ended up happening was the consultant facialed my customer at a follow up appointment from this party, and didn't even think to ask the girl if she was already working with someone. This all happened while I was on vacation. Well at my first meeting since my vacation, the consultant pulled out her "brag" book, which is just before and after pictures of her customers and thier makeovers. Well, when I saw MY customer in HER book, I flipped. I was like "Um, that is my customer, I've been working with her!" And the consultant's reply was "Hm, oh well!" What the fuck? That isn't how things are supposed to be! I was pissed, and that's not the worst of it, the next week we had a guest night for our new line of lipsticks that just came out today, and well guess the fuck what, that consultant broght MY customer to the guest night as her guest! What the hell!?! That was not cool. So, anyhow, with that in mind, the last week has been very discouraging. I talked to my director about this, and now that customer might become a consultant, so that COULD have been my first recruit. Not to mention I lost all her referrals too! SO whatever, how cut throat is that? So at the meeting tonight, if that consultant is there, I won't speak to her, I probably won't even look at her! What a bitch. Oh yea, and I'm not the only perosn she's done this too. My newly made friend Stacy, well that same consultant booked a party with Stacy's STEP-MOM and SISTER! I'm sorry but that is even more fucked up because it was Stacy's family. Fuck it, like I said, I'm not letting this get in my way, if anything it makes me more driven.

Other Issues:
Well, first there is this ongoing problem with my childcare director. My husband, my mother, my friend Stacy, and myself all believe she is out to get me, so now, I have decided to look for another job. SHHHH people, I need to keep this quiet because I don't want my parents leaving me just yet. Of course, I will help them find alternate care, and I will give them plenty of time to do so, but still, it could take two months to find a job, and I don't need the parents pulling their kids and me losing income for two months. SO I'm gonna just work on that too while all my kids are on vacation. And with my nephew here, I can let him babysit while I'm looking and not have to worry about childcare for Kailee.

Well, I guess it's safe to say that I'm over my homesickness for now. Making a new close friend has of course helped, and it has been three weeks now. So I guess everything is much better. This doesn't mean I like Idaho, it just means that I don't miss Tennessee as much as I did when I first got back. But that doesn't mean that I don't miss Tennessee or my family of course, just that it's better.

Well, I want to apologize to everyone who's diary I usually read and that I haven't read in a while. I promise to catch up this weekend. I plan to spend time Saturday or Sunday just working on my diary and trying to fix a new template. Is there anyone out there that is good at making one of these from scratch?! I really want/need a new template, and now that I have the Gold, I'd love to use my own picture. BUT I don't know where to start at making a template. I would like to have just a neat picture at the top sort of like Supermom, then have my entry down the middle of the page - THE MIDDLE OF THE PAGE, I hate how most of the templates I find have the entry on the far side or something, then I would like to have on the right side a column for all my links and such, and another column on the left side for more links and such. If anyone, ANYONE knows how to do this, and is willing to help me let me know via my comments or email, and I will reward you nicely. If you're a girl, I'll send you some free Mary Kay stuff, and if you're a guy, I'll figure out a nice cool gift for ya! So just let me know everyone!

OKay so that has to wrap it up. I have to get these kids doing something constructive otherwise they are going to start construction on my house, in other words they are going to go crazy. All these kids do is fight, well at least all the little boy and Kailee do is fight, Kailee gets along well with the older one who is a girl. Of course. Well, have a good one everyone and as soon as I get my private folder working, I'll update again!

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