It is all full circle

On Tuesday, Jun. 21, 2005 @ 12:52 AM

Well, I don't have much time, again I should so be in bed right now, But of course the evil forces of a dirty house, television, and the internet keep me awake.

Today was a complete flop in all the goals that I set out to do today. I planned to call the Flight Cheif, which I did, but he didn't return my call yet. I practically played email wars with the childcare bitch because she replied to an email I wrote her about one issue with a smart ass remark, and she didn't really answer my question, so I emailed her again. She was even ruder the second time around and so I emailed her AGAIN about it, and then it went on two more times like that. Ugh, what a fucking bitch whore. And last night just as I was updating my D-land, and heading to sleep-land, Kailee starts screaming. SCREAMING. SCREAM. ING. It was awful, get the point. Scared me half to death, I go running after her, she's holding her throat, saying it hurts, and I'm thinking probably because you're screaming so badly. Then she tells me the pain in her throat went to her ear. And I think "oh great, now I have a child with an ear infection." I tell the husband he has to help me administer meds to her, and that was a long drawn out process that sucked. Finally I got some motrin in her and she passed back out. But this morning she didn't want to rise and shine. She laid on the couch all morning asleep, then my great husband took her to the doctor, who told me just as I thought, an ear infection. This is the second one with in six months, maybe less than that. WTF?? Gotta be these kids I keep, getting us sick again. Damnit. So dealt with that today, but once the child has that Amoxocillion, (you know the pink liquid they always give the kids for everything) she was FINE! Just dandy, and she was hyper as hell. SO good to see she's feeling better I guess.

So about the only thing I did accomplish today, and I"m very prould of this, was two things that were not on the agenda! One was cleaning out my filing cabinet, that had become this awful catch all for everything under the sun, and I do mean everything. I found toys in there, and even a pot holder. A POT HOLDER, how fuckign weird is that? So I did all that shit. Next was something that popped up outta nowhere. My Mary Kay director calls and says that we're having this "Booking Party" at our traning center and she wants to make sure I'm coming. So after long hard thought, I deicded to go. Hell, I've taken enough time off from the business. If I'm serious about Mary Kay, then I really need to crack down and start working. The only thing standing in my way is myself! So, I went with my friend Stacy. We were both not really up to it at all, but we both had lots of good results from everyone we called. I booked 5 appointments in ONE HOUR! YAY! So it looks like I'm back in the pink groove, and I'm gonna start doing facials again, and all that jazz.

So when I come home from my thing, my house is a disaster. You have to understand something. I clean up after children all freaking day! That is all I do. SO the last thing I want to do when I come through that door at 10:00PM after working even a longer day than my husband is see World War III going on in my living room! I mean, okay, when my house is trashed, in my head it's like World War III going on. I see shit laying everywhere and in my head I'm hearing bombs going off, machine guns, people screaming, sirens! The whole thing! So, I was highly upset. But I was even more upset to see my husband practically high on his new sleeping pills! And the fact that it was 10:00 PM and my daughter hadn't had a bath, her medication, or anything. So, thank goodness for my nephew. He helped me clean up so I could get on Diaryland and write my journal.

And it all ends full circle. I started off by saying that I SHOULD be in bed. But, I'm here writng my entry at 1:00 AM because of 1. My husband not taking care of the house, 2. my shows came on at 10:00PM and I had to watch them, and now 3. I'm updating my journal.

Okay so that's about all my day in a nut shell. Hope you stayed awake long enough to read the whole thing. I'm barely awake now and I'm the one writing. Okay that's enough writing.

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