Everything is much better

On Friday, Jun. 24, 2005 @ 12:19 AM

Well, things are starting to settle down a bit. The whole thing that happened the other day is over. But the childcare thing got worse before it got better. They are not giving me my license back, but oh well, I said I was done anyway. Actually I already have most of the stuff I borrowed from the Air Force put away in the garage for when I decide to take it back, and I have most of the daycare stuff I bought put away as well, or gave to Kailee for her to have in her room now. It's nice having a normal living room without a bunch of fucking toys in it. It actually looks quite empty! HAHA! But that's okay, now I can do what I want with it. Life is going to be hard financially for a while, but it will be a lot better in the long run.

We've decided to move off base. I think I mentioned that. And this is very exciting for me. We're gonna get a house, thank God, no more apartments, we're just too big for that now. And my friend Stacy was showing me a house that is right at the end of her road that might be for rent soon. She knows the owners. It would probably be around $700.00 a month, and we'd pay utilites. That would so work for me. Our Housing allowance for the military is way more than that. But it will be nice if we could move there. A THREE bedroom house, two car garage on an acre of land. So very nice. But we definately have to save every dime we got until then. That would be the only way we could.

Well not much other stuff is going on. That whole thing that was going on with the childcare thing and ugh, the other stuff is over, and we can live in peace now for a while. So, I'm just working really hard on my Mary Kay business. Trying to get as many new customers as I can and sell, so I can save up the money for us to move off base. God I really wanna get the hell outta here.

But having my new friend Stacy has helped calm me down. We've become so close lately, and we are working together to make our Mary Kay stuff go big. So I'm gonna be okay. I know that I will. Once the fucking private entry things will start working, I'll post a private entry about what happened the other day. Till then, just email me and I can tell ya!

I guess that's all for tonight. I gotta get some sleep.

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