Just nothing really

On Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 @ 11:28 AM

Wow, so has it been long enough since my last entry? Sorry everyone, I've just been busy you know being a Mom, wife, MK Consultant, and job hunting at the same time. God I love my life! Well, most of it anyhow.

Of course there has been some drama, but nothing too major, and I just don't want to talk about it, because I'm doing great, and I just hate to let it all bring me down again. Fuck the drama, I'm just seperating myself from it.

The coolest and greatest thing to happen to me in the last week was getting hypnotized. Yes, that's right, I got hypnotized. My friend Stacy took me out to see J. Medicine Hat, a comideian and hypnotist. Well, I decided to volunteer to go on stage and try to go under. And it worked! I was out for like an hour. Stacy said I did some pretty crazy things, and I pretty much remember most of what he told us to do. But it was a very neat and weird feeling. I loved it though! I'd love to go back before he leaves. It was so awesome.

There isn't a whole lot else going on. Life is just boring I guess. Actually it's not. I'm out looking for a job early in the morning, at home around lunch to take care of Kailee and be domestic around the house, then in the evening, I'm working Mary Kay for whatever money I can. At this point, anything will fucking help. So that's about it.

Sorry I've been bad at reading and commenting on people's journals, I promsise to better when I have time! Take care everyone.

Oh yea, lastly, I was looking at my stats, and it's really weird what search topics show up as a referrer to my diary. All though, this one is beyone weird I think. And whoever is searching this is a fucking psycho. But the search topic was "Daddy fucking daughter". Now that is freaky. And they were lead to my page how? Can't recall how those words would be used together in my diary. Fucking crazy. Have a good one everyone.

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