Bitchfest 2005

On Sunday, Jul. 31, 2005 @ 2:22 AM

I would love to update for the first time in forever and say things like, "Wow, I've been so busy and things are going just great that I haven't had time to update lately." Unfortunately, I can't say that.

The truth is two things. Nothing is going on. And I mean nothing, but negative things, and my freaking computer got another virus that had to be taken care of before I could get online again. Those are the pathetic reasons for me not updating in a while.

There is a bunch of bullshit going on with me. Nothing really that postive, except for one thing... I have started walking/running/jogging every night for the last week or so or ever since we got our dog, Bubba. I take Kailee and him on a leash, and I walk around my entire housing area here the base. The neighborhood is nice, but people just aren't that friendly. Something about the Air Force or this place, I just don't know which. But people when you pass them, they don't say "hi", and when I say something, they just look at me like I'm dumb. Well excuse me for being fucking a nice person, I'll be sure to stop doing that soon.

I feel bad for writing such a negative entry after not updating in a while. But honestly, my life has been hell for the last week. I'm still job hunting, because God knows we need the money from me bringing in an income. It is getting very very tight running on just my husband's income. Things with my so called friends are not that great either, and that's all I feel like saying on the subject. My fucking marriage feels like it's falling apart more and more each day. I love my husband I really do, but there is just so much a person can take. And I just don't know how much more I can handle. Maybe one day, I'll go into great detail of things and you'll understand that it's not all flowers and butterflies in my world.

So yea, other than things just really sucking around here, nothing is new. Mary Kay is sucking right now. I booked three appointments last week (which I might say is very freaking sad) and only one of them held. That one appointment I was thinking would be a great one, however, the girl only bought one thing, and it was under $10.00, so whoo hoo, I made like $5.00. Big whoop. The people that I call, either don't need anything or can't afford it right now, hey, I totally understand, hence why I'm trying to sell this shit. And other people that I call either stand me up, or just fucking plain out use me. Pisses me off. Almost to the point where I wanna be DONE with the whole thing. However, I believe in Mary Kay, I've watched women make it big with this company. It's not hard, but it does take determination. So maybe the problem is just me. Who the fuck knows. I sure don't.

So yea, I think I might be done writing this sad pathetic entry. I'm tired of bitching. I honest to God hate bitching, crying, whining, or whatever about my problems. I know there are so many other people out there that have many more problems that are far more severe than mine, so I hate griping about my pathetic life. But sometimes, you just got to let out the steam, you know.

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