All about my Kailee

On Friday, Aug. 12, 2005 @ 3:05 AM

Just a warning, this entry will be dedicated to Kailee. I just freaking love her so very much, I have to talk about her.

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Today, I took her swimming. It's our thing now, every Tuesday and Thursday. We go to the Base Pool which is HUGE and VERY clean, and has lifeguards! So it's nice. Yea, especially the lifeguard part, one of the boy ones, yum. Oh, ha! Anyway, back to Kailee. So she usually wears a lifejacket to swim. Or I hold her. But the other day I started asking to her take if off and learn to swim. It hadn't been going very well. But today, TODAY was different. She finally got the hang of it. She stopped being scared and started actually doing it. After I showed her how, she just started kicking and paddling her little heart out, and she actually was keeping her head above water. IT WAS GREAT!! I was so proud that I cried. And she usually would have to pryed from my neck to do this, but today she was kicking off of me. It was just great. I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! Everyday something new. Just amazing.

So yes, Kailee is the absolute love of my life. Is it weird to be so in love with your kid?! I sure as hell hope not, and if it is, I sure as hell don't give a damn. She's my baby, and maybe the only one I have, so I am going to freaking LOVE HER TO DEATH and cherrish every single little accomplishment she acheives, and every single second of her life. I just pray I don't drive her away and she doesn't start hating me or something.

By the way. A while back, I talked about my psycho-ness with her. How I'm so scared of something happening and losing her and my nightmares that I have about her. Well, one, I haven't had a nightmare since then. And two, I've slowly started to ease up a bit. NOT TOO MUCH, I'm still very protective. But I've started making her sleep in her own bed. Although she comes to our bed at some point in the night. But I still won't let her out of my reach in public. So, I'm slowly getting there, but one step at a time right? Can't make me just jump off the high dive head first!

Oh well, I'm doing good. And that's the best thing ever! Kailee is healthy, she's smart, she just incrediably pretty, and just the best thing to ever happen to me.

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